Chapter 4

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~Soon-yi POV~

"Oh looks who's here?" Looking up I saw the faces of the people, I wish to avoid. Why do I have the luck to always run into them? It's like faith is always trying to make my life more miserable then it already is.

I kept my head down to avoid the stares that surround me. I mean what else can I do but hide my face as the three stares watch me carefully. I could feel their stares burn through me as I just sit there.

"Aren't you going to respond to me you worthless girl?" A high pitch laughter follow behind her words.

Looking up to see Tiffiany glaring down at me while her two little sucks up standing by her, laughing hysterically. Well they are not just suck up but they're basically Tiffiany wannabes. They mock her every move and acted like they don't have a brain of their own. It kinda sad if you think about it. I don't know why somebody would want to be like Tiffany.

All three of them were treated like queens just because Tiffany was Kai's girlfriend. Which is a joke since Tiffiany sleeps around with every single boy in this school. No. In matter of fact Kai is quiet the player himself so I guess they are perfect for each other. The funny things is that they both don't even know about it even though the whole school knows.

"Yeah, you better respond to her." The twin Tiffiany wannabe said in unison. Ugh their voices drives me crazy. They sounded like nails screeching on a chalk board. Of course they had names but I could never remember since they always seem to be one person with Tiffany.

I was then forcefully pull by my hair to look up directly into Tiffany's eyes which were feel with hatred. My cheeks became wet as hot tears drip down my face of the pain of my hair tightly grip in her fist as she pull it back.

"Hey! What are you doing?!?" Tiffiany then loose her grip and pull away. I glance over to see Jackson and Yugueom as they ran to my side.

They gently held me up while Tiffiany and her wannabes back away slowly.

"OMO Soon-yi, are you okay I didn't mean to pull your hair?" Trying to play innocent, they pull me up and brush me off. Wow didn't think they were this pathetic.

"We saw what you did. You don't need to act innocent. All you need to know is don't touch Soon-yi ever again." (Jackson)

"Are you okay Soon-yi ?" I nodded as I stood there quietly behind Jackson and Yugueom.

"Also Soon-yi, isn't a bit worthless. She is much better then you three." Yugueom spoke up as he glare at Tiffiany and the twins. I was kinda of surprise they actually stood up for me. No one has ever stood up for me. Everyone was either too scared to.......or at least I like to think that.

"Come on Soon-yi, let's go." They both grab my arm as they directed me down the hall. I could feel Tiffiany glare burn through the back of my head as we walk down further. I have a feeling she would never lets this go....


"Hey thanks for helping me back there...." I said quietly look down at the floor. Honestly, I was glad they helped me. It makes me feel like they actually care for me. They're not as bad as I thought they were... No. Don't let this happen to you again. Trust no one.

"No problem, you're one of our friends now and friends stick together. Don't they?" I honestly don't know what the term friends means...... ever since the accident.......... I can barely call anyone a friend.....

As we walk down the halls I wonder where Bambam, he so adorable with his chubby cheeks and cute smile.. Wait, were there seven of them....right? No they were six.. Wait! I don't know... I guess I just ask them where they're at.

"Hey, where's the other guys?" -soon-yi

" You mean BamBam right?" I was slightly nudged by Jackson as he wiggle his eyebrows teasingly at me.

"Uhh...umm...." I panic a little not knowing what to say as my face grew hot. I look back down at the floor to make sure they won't see.

"We're just kidding but just to answer your question........"- Jackson

"Hey Hyung, what's happening over..... Wait Hyung, is that BamBam and JR?!?" I stomach drop a little, hearding Yugeom's words. Oh no, this isn't going be good at all.

~Bam Bam POV~

My bloods boils hearing him calling Soon-yi worthless. Who the heck does this guy think he is?

I tightly clench my fist as I stare straight at his face. Clam down Bam Bam, you know you can't get in any types of fights it's not good for your reputation.

"Aww! Look at the coward walking away! I was hoping for a little fight but I guess you are much of a weak punk as I thought you are." (Lay)

"Come on, don't you think it's a little bit cowardly how it was just six guys against two?"

I glance looking to my left to find Yugueom and Jackson. Standing shyly behind them was Soon-yi.

"Who are you?"

~Kai Pov~

Why the heck is Soon-yi behind those idiots? She doesn't need to be with them...

"Who are you?" Lay spoke up as he glare at the guys who stood in front of Soon-yi. The guy on the left of Soon-yi was quite short. He had dark black hair that was comb back while next to him was a guy who was much taller. He had more of a flower boy look to him that made me sick.

"HEY! What going on get to class right now?!" Looking up I found the teacher walking toward us. Everyone scatter quickly, not wanting to get in any trouble. The teacher still stood there staring directly at us since none of us moved a inch. Looking at Soon-yi, I notice her pulling them away from us. Whispering something behind them.

She look at them sympathetically begging them to move to class. Seeing her look, they glance over to each other agreeing to move.

(This chapter really sucks.....Sorry. I am not really good with these kind of writing situation and I have decided to finish this book because I always wanted to. This mean I will try to update one chapter each week!!)

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