Chapter 6

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~Bambam POV~

During class, all I could do was stare at her but all she did was avoid my glare. I try to stare her apologetically but she still ignored my glare. Whispering quietly saying sorry a couple of time but she still wouldn't even bother to glance my way. The guilt ate me up inside, feeling like it was my fault she was late. I just wish she would respond back to me or at least acknowledge me.

Eventually I gave up and began to fiddle with my pencil but I was still thinking about her. It may not be my entire fault, that she was late but still. If I hadn't gotten involved with those idiots then this wouldn't happen.

"It's okay.... I guess. I'm not entirely angry at you but mostly those idiots over there." Pointing over to the direction of the Exo crew as she whisper back quietly responding back to my apology. A smile creep up on my lips. I could feel my stomach jump, knowing she wasn't that mad at me and was still talking to me. Then something came to me to make up for it.

The bell rang as everyone scurried out of their seats. Quickly I got up to follow Soon-yi, grabbing her wrist. I directed her to the door. Cutting through the crowd of people. My heart started to race when I held her wrist. I don't know why but I like the feeling.

"Where are we going?" She said in a confused tone. Looking down at her wrist where my hand was. She started to pull away but I held on tightly.

"I am going to make up for making you get detention." I said with a cheeky smile as we race through the hall. Looking back at her, she was still confused.

"Uhh-This is your second day of school and your skipping. Aren't you worried you might get caught?" Disregarding her question, we quickly made it out the front doors. Wondering if the guys are looking for us. Oh well, I will just have to text them later.

"Yah! Where are you taking me?" Soon-yi said as pulled her arm away from my hand.

"It's a secret." I said excitedly as I tried to reach out for her wrist again but she quickly swipe it behind her back. Aish this girl need to ease up a bit.

"I'm not going anywhere with you, unless you tell me where we are going"

"Aww, your no fun but fine we going to-" Suddenly, I grab Soon-yi's and threw her over my shoulder. Shocking her at the moment she started to scream. Surprisingly she was kinda heavy for such a small girl.

"Yah! Put me down! BAMBAM!"Soon-yi said loudly while she was punching my back.

~Soon-yi POV~

As Bambam carried me down the sidewalk, people glare at us weirdly as I holler at Bambam. Feeling my cheeks get red at the embarrassment as Bambam just laughed.

Once we got to the bus station, he then finally put me down in front of the bus. Why is he doing this to me? I slap him on the shoulder causing him to flinch and hold his shoulder.

" Why did you do that?!?" Looking around, I found people starting to stare at us more.

"I am going go back to class before I get in anymore trou-" Before I said anything more a crowd of people walk
up to the bus pushing their way through the door. Taking Bambam and me along with them. Next thing we knew I was standing on the bus right next to Bambam. Looking up at him as he smiled cheekily as he stared around.

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