Chapter 5

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{ The photo above is Moon Ga Young who is playing Soon-yi. Who is gorgeous. Ugh why does she have to be so pretty?😭}

~Soon-yi POV~

When the teacher walk over to us, a sigh of relief swept over me. Everyone quickly scattered but still standing there was them, still glaring angrily at each other. The tension between them made me nervous. Glance over a little to find Kai staring at me as if I did something wrong. I tugged Jackson and Bambam arm gently to the other direction, away from the Exo crew. Trying to get them as far from Exo as possible.

"Guys, let's just go to class. Please." I whisper quietly at them. Looking at them pleadingly as I tugged their arm. Seeing the look on my face, they nodded their heads at each other in agreement.

As soon as we were far enough from them. I turned to face them with a mixed of relief  and disappointment.

"You guys shouldn't have gotten involve with them. Both of you should have walked away, once he started to open his mouth. Do you realize you guys could have gotten hurt or worse?"  I said worryingly as I stood in front of all four of them. Wait, why I being so worried about them? I just met them, why should I be worried?

"Oh come on, they can't-" (JR)

"Yes they could. You're lucky that you even had a chance to walk away."

" They were talking about you like you weren't even a person. I wasn't going let that slide. Plus they need someone to put that jerk in place." Bambam said offensively and angrily while looking straight at me. This was what I was worried about.... Honestly I don't want these guys get in trouble with those idiots because of me. I don't want these guys life to be ruined...

"You guys, just please promise me that you won't get involve with them at all."

"But-" All four of them said in unison in a defensive responds.

"Please." I look at them pleadingly, hoping that they will say yes. Glancing over each other for words, they finally agree.

"Okay fine."Jackson spoke up while the other mutter it too. Crossing their arms as if they were a child who didn't get his way. BamBam didn't look please at all, he still look like he was going strangle someone.

"Pinky promise" I held out my pinky while the others looked at me weirdly.

"Huh? We aren't five years old in kindergarten. Do you not-" I rolled my eyes at Yugueom comment. Sure for not being five year old, you surely act like one.

"Just do it." At first Yugeoum hesitantly held out his pinky but then we finally interlock our pinky so as the others. Even though they did promise, I still had a feeling this isn't going to be the last of it.

"Okay so now that we got this over, let's  get to class before we will be later then we already are." I smiled warmly at them as I started to walk to the direction of my first class.

"Wait. You made us do all of this because you care about us. Don't you?" (Jackson) My face immediately heated up as he nudge my shoulder playfully. I don't care for them. I-- just want them to be okay. Thats all.

"Aww you care about us?" Jr teasingly said while the others laugh. Looking at BamBam he finally crack a smile with the others.

"YAH, no I don't" I said defensively as my face heated up more.

"Aww someone in denial" I am not in denial. Why would I care about annoying people like them? Crossing my arm as I was about to open my mouth then Jackson interrupted me.

" I mean who could blame you, nobody can resist this awesomeness." Jackson said confidently as he pretend to straighten his uniform. Cringing a little at his words as I gave him a look.

"Whatever! I'm going just go to class now." I mumble while I stare at the floor walking toward the direction of my classroom.

"Soon-yi sweetheart, you are walking the wrong way. Your class is over in that direction." Jackson pointed to the left of the hall way. Ugh. Stupid. Stupid. Soon-yi. I face palm my forehead before facing them.

"I knew that." I said trying to cover the embarrassment. Turning around I look over to the other direction. How can I be so stupid?....

"Yeah. Yeah. Whatever you say." BamBam said as the other laughed at me.


"Come on Soon-yi, we will walk you to class uncase you get lost." Yugeoum said as he held my arm. I never realize how adorable he was. Jackson then put his arm over my shoulder causing me to flinch a little. Staring at both of them, having a huge smile on each of their faces.

"Let's go!" We walk down the halls as I wonder. So this what it like to have friends? If this is what friend are like I guess I can get use to it.

When we reach my classroom, everyone departed to their class leaving me and BamBam standing in front of our class door.

"Let's go" BamBam smiles cheekily as he opens the door.

Once we got in, I could feel stares attack me as we walked toward our teacher. My gut twisted a little seeing their attention all on me. The teacher put down his ruler annoyedly as he stare at us. Ready to give his least favorite student an lecture about importance of being on time or maybe threatening me again about calling my mother.

"Late for class again, Soon-yi. I will not tolerant the fact you interrupt the class almost everyday. " I hid my face as the teacher scold me. The other snicker in amused at my embarrassment. Looking over I heard Tiffany whisperer something to her wannabe as they laughed along.

" Also, I see you got the new student involve as well. Soon-yi, you shouldn't have left such a bad influence." I nodded my head while biting my lip back from saying anything stupid.

"You know Mr.Kim, since Soon-yi likes to take her time to get to class. I think you should give her detention so she will learn from her mistake. Isn't that right ladies?" Tiffany's screeching voice spoke up as her wannabe agree with her. Looking over at them, they gave me a devious yet disgusted look. Ugh, I hated them so much. Why can't they learn to keep their damn opinion to theirselves?

"Yeah, it isn't fair that she gets off the hook half of the time. When I was late you gave me detention." A deep voice spoke up, that I could tell from anywhere. Looking over I saw Chen smirking revengefully at me. Again with these idiots ruining my life.

"Yah! What about keeping your damn opinions to yourself!" BamBam said angrily as he glare at Chen. Who still was smirking as he got the attention he wanted.

"Okay! Settle down now! Soon-yi, they are right. You are late to my class almost everyday and I will certainly not accept that and pamper anyone in that means. I will see you in detention on Friday." I can't believe what I was heard. How in the hell does he pamper me? He's always treat Tiffany as a queen while making me feel unwanted and trashy even more. I can't even stand these idiots in this school.

"But-" I said almost shouting but then dialing it down a little.

"No buts! Now please have a seat." Mr. Lee said shouting while glaring at me angrily. I made my way to my seat as I glared angrily at the others.

" As for you BamBam, since this is your third day in school. I will let you off with a warning but if this happen again. You will be also be in detention as well. Now go take your seat."

"Yes sir." Looking up I see BamBam make his way as he stare apologetically at me. Ignoring his look, I looked out the window. I just can't stand anyone today. I know I shouldn't have wasted my time with them. They just made everything worse along with the Exo crew. L



So what did you guys think? This updated may be a little late but I hope you guys like it. Don't forget to like and comment if you enjoyed it. Each like and comment are very much appreciated. Thank you for reading!!!!!! 😘😘💖

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