Chapter 13

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Robotnik flew his ship right out of the sand tornado, right at Sonic and aiming his laser gun at the speedy alien hedgehog. Sonic threw a ring portal, this time one to Green Hills.

Sonic was getting closer and closer to the portal as Robotnik pulled the trigger.

The laser shot was about to hit Sonic until it hit part of the mountain right below Sonic's feet, propelling him forward and through the portal.

Sonic came flying out of the ring portal and landed hard on the road, the ring bag still holding rings in it landing by the sidewalk. Tom and Maddie got there just as Robotnik's ship came through the ring portal and his laughter was heard.

The cockpit on the ship opened as Robotnik said to the nearly passed out hedgehog, "You're an astonishing little creature. It'll be fun to take you back to my true boss in Kanto for a litinay of invasive exploratory procedures."

Tom saw the ring back and quickly picked it up, secretly pulling out a ring.

"Any last words?" Robotnik asked, taunting

"Guac.....that's a funny word......." Sonic mutters before passing out

Robotnik popped his neck, not noticing Tom hopping through a ring portal and onto the back of Robotnik's Bullhead as Robotnik stated, "I can't begin to tell you how many scientific breakthroughs have been made possible by animal and Pokemon testing. You're being very selfish."

"Going my way?" Tom asked

"WHAT THE---?!?!?!?!??" Robotnik starts, having not noticed Tom until now

Before Robotnik could finish what he was saying, Tom decked Robotnik in the face. Tom and Robotnik were decking it out in Robotnik's Bullhead

"Who the HELL do you think you are?!?!?" Robotnik asks as he held Tom against the front of his Bullhead

Tom then punched Robotnik in the face and held him over the side.

"I'm the Doughnut Lord, you son of a bitch!" Tom said before Robotnik elbowed Tom in the gut

Robotnik then got to the controls and shook Tom out of the Bullhead, Maddie ran over to Tom's aid. This whole time though, Sonic was still on the ground.

"Why would you throw your life away for this.....thing?!???!?!??" Robotnik questioned, gesturing to Sonic

Tom grunted little

"That's why I don't have friends. Next thing you know, you're somebody's best man, they wanna have the wedding out of town, like nobody has ANYTHING BETTER TO DO!!!!!" Robotnik comments. "Anyways, where were we? Oh yes, you were about to die."

Suddenly, a bullet ricocheted of the side of the ship, causing everyone awake to see Wade standing there with his pistol, armed and ready. And he had a whole army of citizens with various things to double as weapons, practically the whole town and it's law enforcement ready to fight if need be. Even Crazy Carl.

"That's our sheriff you're messing with." Wade comments

Maddie looked back at Sonic, shook June's shoulder and simply said, "Tom...."

Tom looks back at Sonic, really wanting him to get back up, but doubting he will.

"I don't mean to be indelicate here but.......someone should get some ice...keep the body fresh." Robotnik states

Tom looked back at Robotnik before looking back at Sonic and looking down.

"He's just a silly little alien." Robotnik comments. "He didn't belong here!!!"

Tom looked back at Robotnik as he managed to finally get up, Maddie staying by his side the whole time.

"That little alien knew more about being human than you ever will. His name was Sonic, this was his home...." Tom starts, gaining a glare from Robotnik. "..and he was my friend."

Suddenly, Sonic's eyes burst open, glowing with bright blue electricity and Mightyena, who had gone to check on Sonic, jumped back as Tom and Maddie looked back at him as a whole onslaught of blue electricity was hitting him directly as he stood up..

Mightyena stepped back as to not get shocked and Sonic glared down the center path of the road straight at Robotnik. Pissed the hell off.

When realizing who Sonic was glaring at, Tom says, "He's all yours."

Everyone got out of the way and danger zone as Tom shouts, "Everyone get back!!"

Sonic continued glaring at Robotnik.

"I think you have something that belongs to me." Sonic sternly comments, holding out a fist and drawing energy from his quill in Robotnik's ship. "This is MY power. And i'm not using it to run away anymore. I'm using it to protect my friends!!"

Robotnik lowered his goggles and closed the cockpit and armed the ship's weapons and Sonic just stood there, getting ready to dash at the ship in front of him. Everyone proceeds to watch as Sonic dashes at Robotnik's ship, bouncing off of walls and light poles, hitting the ship and dodging missiles and rubble.

He bounced off and damaged the ship nearly 51 to 53 total times, causing a damage alarm to go off in Robotnik's ship.

"Oh, NOW you've done it!!!!!!!" Robotnik snarled

"Guess what, Eggman??!? I'm not leaving this world, YOU ARE!!!!" Sonic comments as he slid back and looked at Tom. "Doughnut Lord???!????"

Tom nodded, knowing what he had to do, running down the sidewalks he pulled out a ring. Taking a quick deep breath, he chucked it right behind Robotnik's ship, opening a portal to the mushroom planet Sonic was meant to escape to, Robotnik boosting at Sonic, Sonic continuing to dash at Robotnik.

As Sonic hit Robotnik's ship, cutting off the side engines and destroying it's force-field, and slowly doing all sorts of other damage to the ship. Even the side engines fell off. And it was then that the ship got launched into the portal, Robotnik screaming as he shot further and further into the distance on the mushroom planet.

Tom and Mightyena ran over to Sonic and said, "Told ya you got this."

"Hey, WE got this." Sonic replies, breathing heavily before catching his breath

Tom held out a hand for a high five, Sonic smiling brightly before running in circles and quickly high fiving Tom.

Tom then holds out the ring bag and says, "Think these belong to you."

"Thank you very much." Sonic replies

"No more pushing people off of buildings." Tom states

"You know I can't promise that." Sonic said which got a quick little chuckle from Tom before he handed Sonic the ring bag

Tom smiled and patted Sonic's head gently.

"Did pretty good, space-hog." Tom comments

"You too, Doughnut Lord." Sonic replied

"You gonna explain this.....Doughnut Lord thing?" Maddie asked

"Nah, sorry, that's for me and the speedster." Tom replied, getting a nod from Sonic. "I feel like i've checked the save a life box off my bucket list."

Tom then looked back at Maddie, gently holding her hands.

"Now all I wanna do is spend my life with the people I care about." Tom stated. "I wanna check that box."

"I'd like that." Maddie said as the two hugged

Wade turned to the crowd and said, "Alright, everyone, time to disperse. Just another ordinary day in Green Hills."

Tom and Maddie then headed back for their home, ready to sleep for the night Sonic following so he could safely store his ring bag.

"Come on, you act like you've never seen a fight between an intergalactic space rodent and a robot with a doctorate." Wade added as the crowd finally started dispersing

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