Chapter 3: The letter

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After a long day of work, Tom finally gets home and sighs after getting out. His Mightyena yawning as he went inside. When in the house, Tom hung his utility belt by the door.

"Maddie, as Green Hill's most respected Pokemon doctor, what is the fastest way to get a Zigzagoon to leave someone's trash alone?" Tom asked as Mightyena lays down on the couch

Maddie then walked into view, holding a letter.

"Is that what I think it is?" Tom asked

"Uh-huh," Maddie confirms, handing him the letter. "Open it."

Tom grabs the letter and looks at it.

"It's kind small, is that bad?" Tom asked

"Just open it." Maddie urges

Tom opens up the letter to read it.

"Dear Thomas Michael Wachowski, we have reviewed your application to the Lumiose City Police Department, and while pending a background check, we are happy to inform you that you have been selected to join our team." Tom read out loud. "Wow."

Maddie hugged Tom, excited and pleased the application got accepted. That's when Tom noticed an apartment rental website open n the laptop on the table.

"What's this?" Tom asked

"Just some apartments for rent I found on Zillow." Maddie answers. "Houndour and I were gonna head down to Lumiose City and check out a few neighborhoods."

"I see." Tom replies

Maddie went into the kitchen and came back with a cake box before she opens it. "Ta-da!"

Tom looked at the cake with a smile and said, "Never had a doubt, huh?"

"Of course not." Maddie said with a smile

Tom took a deep breath as he sat down.

"Is something bothering you?" Maddie asked

"It's just that all of this is happening so fast." Tom replied

"it's crazy right?" Maddie replies with a hint of sarcasm. "You apply for a job, you get the job."

"Well, pending a background check." Tom comments

"Oh, I hope they don't find out about that tie you used the neighbor's WiFi." Maddie stated as she sat by Tom

"Correction, I am STILL using the neighbor's WiFi." Tom comments, getting a chuckle from Maddie.

"Thomas Michael Wachowski, what did you do that entire tie I was in Pokemon medical school?" Maddie asked

"I worked a second job to pay the rent and a-" Tom starts

"A third job to pay the bills and take care of the house." Maddie finishes. "You sacrificed for me, I am absolutely happy to sacrifice for you. Are you sure you are okay with this whole thing? There's been at least one or two Wachowskis protecting this town for 5o years almost at this point. This is a big change."

After some silence, Tom stood up and said, "I'm sure of it. I love Green Hills and the citizens, but it's time I get out there and prove myself. I want someone else to turn to me in a life or death situation and i'd be there for them."

The next day, next to the 'Welcome to Green Hills' sign, Tom was practicing his goodbye speech.

"It has been a hard tie for me to say this, but I have been gifted a position at the Lumiose City Police Department. Effective immediately. It'll be tough to leave my home town and all my heartships." Jaune stated. "But I must do it in order to grow as both an officer, and as a man."

Tom smiled a little, having practiced the speech with a doughnut he named Sgt. Sprinkles.

"What do ya think, Sgt. Sprinkles? That wasn't so bad, right?" Tom asked in a joking manner. "Now all I gotta do is tell everyone who isn't a doughnut."

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