Chapter 4: The Big Blackout

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Late at night, Sonic was on a baseball field. The lights all switch on one by one. Sonic looks around amazed and sees a baseball bat, a couple of helmets, and a baseball and gets an idea. He grabs one of the tennis rackets and stands on the home plate.

"Bottom of the 9th, tie score, and exactly who you want at the plate with a game on the line, Sonic!" Sonic says as if he was the baseball game's announcer before rushing over to the pitcher's mound

"And staring him down from the pitcher's mound, the most fearsome soft-ball in Green Hills, ALSO Sonic!" Sonic quickly added before running back to the home plate

"Okay, focus Sonic, if you win this game, you'll be the most beloved kid in Green Hills." Sonic said to himself

Sonic then instantly ran over to third base and prepped himself a little, and said, "Hit it to the guy in left! He's a real space case!"

Sonic then ran to 2nd base, blowing some bubble gum till it popped. Then, he went to 1st base.

"Ugh, I can't with that guy." Sonic muttered

Sonic then ran to the catcher position, fully geared up and everything.

"Hey, batter Sonic. Hey, batter Sonic." Sonic taunts himself. "SWIIING batter Sonic."

Sonic then ran over to the pitcher's mound, once again looking like he would if he was a pitcher and threw the ball. Then, he ran back to the home plate and swung the baseball bat, hitting the ball towards right field.

He rushes over, acting like a right fielder.

"I got it, I got it, I got it!!" Sonic calls out, missing the ball and hitting the ground. "I don't got it."

He then went back to the three bases, running along first and second base.

Back in left field, he picked up the ball and threw it to third base. However, the ball missed, allowing him once as the batter again to slide past the home plate, scoring and missing the catcher's glove, safe.

"SAFE!!" Sonic, now pretending to be a baseball umpire

Sonic got up, thrusting his fist into the air victoriously.

"I did it! I did it!" Sonic said before looking around, realizing he's alone

"I really am alone..." Sonic said as he took off the baseball helmet and set it down next to the bat an started running around the field

"All alone....forever....." Sonic said as he got faster by the second the more he ran around the field

Slowly, Sonic started getting faster and faster as he staticed with blue electricity and leaving small indents in a few spots on the field.

"Aaaah!!!" Sonic screamed as he jumped in the air and caused a huge surge of blue electricity causing somewhat of an explosion

The electrical explosion set off a huge surge of energy, effecting almost all of the Northwest of Kalos, Green  Hills unfortunately getting caught in the range of the EMP explosion, the power in the effected area getting knocked out.

"I'm sure no one noticed that giant blue explosion, right?" Sonic said before running off

Back at his house, Tom was having to use his phone to look around and see where he was going. Out of nowhere, he was getting a call from Wayde, so he answered.

"Hey." Tom answers

"Hi, Tom." Wayde responded

"The power seems to have gone out." Tom said

"Well DUR, the lights are out. The whole town is going crazy." Wayde responded

"Okay, just relax and call Zim to see if he can locate the down line than call Gill and tell him to get his generator to the main power of the town so everyone's food stays fresh." Tom said, seeing a small blue glow coming from the quill he found earlier

"Call Zim BEFORE Gill?!?!? Tom, wait, was that the end of the instructions-" Wayde started

"I'll have to call you back." Tom stated, hanging up

Jaune then grabs the quill, confused about why it was lightly glowing.

Later, at The Pentagon, a meeting had been called.

"40 minutes ago, that giant energy surge knocked out power across the entire Pacific Northwest. What do we know?" The general at the table said

"Well, our first instinct was it was an EMP. But an Electro-Magnetic Pulse doesn't have that kind of power." A government agent with grey hair stated

"And the power company said it wasn't a system failure." The female agent added

"Well, it sounds like we are really good at figuring out what it WASN'T." The general said

"This could be a predilude to a larger attack. We should ready up our army forces-" An African-american agent started

"No no no, this needs someone who can figure out exactly what we're dealing with." The general states

"You want to send in a lab rat?" The African-american agent replied

"Not just any lab rat. A lab rat with teeth." The general said

"You're not suggesting who I think you're suggesting." One of the other agents replied

"I know, he's a little weird, but-" The general started

"Weird?!?!? He's a madman!!!" An agent interrupted

"I know, but his drone tech is revolutionary He has a 300 IQ, and a perfect operations record. Remember the Parlagastand incident?" The general said

"That's not even a country." The agent who mentioned EMPs earlier said

"Exactly, and you can thank Robotnik for that." The general said

"I can't believe you're bringing that madman into this." one of the other agents said

"Neither can I. But....we have no choice." The general said

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