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Her fingers dragged the blade across her arms now, too delirious in tiredness to care, she was just calming the thoughts and her breathing. she just kept going, oblivious to the damage she was inflicting upon her skin.

She felt numb her body stilling, the blood drying on her skin in the cool night air, she felt like she was in a trance but still fully in control. Her legs ached at the wounds embedded in them, wavering her steps toward the window, wincing.

she stared at the sky, gazing at the beauty of the landscapes before her. Her hazy mind knew she couldn't hide what she had done, deciding that this was a good way to leave casita.

she felt casita move worried but ignored the home. "I'm fine casita," she said, she stepped out the window, "casita?" she sighed, annoyed at the house's presistentness to keep her inside.

she took a step forward, and another until she was too close to the edge. casita started dragging her back, but Mirabel would just stumble back onto the roof, she was determined despite Casita's best efforts. "Let me do this casita..." she muttered, as her vision fell cloudy, "I need to leave-"


Pepa woke up thirsty, she filled a cup with some water, sighing and rubbing her eyes. "What is it casita?" she asked tiredly as the home pushed her feet. "What?" she asked more awake now, casita ushered her upstairs, stopping her in front of Mirabel's door. "what's wrong with Mirabel?" Pepa asked, knowing she wouldn't get a verbal answer.

she knocked on the door anyway, listening to what casita was trying to tell her. "Mirabel?" she asked knocking again, she must be asleep, but she would check anyway, she rattled the doorknob, now fully aware the door was locked.

"Casita wake Julieta" Pepa almost demanded knowing casita could get her faster, 

Julieta's bed shook as the tiles moved the bed, "Agustin?" she asked confused,

"what's going on?" he asked now to awake, they were both got out of bed before they were dragged out of their room by casita.

"Pepa?" she asked seeing her sister panicking,

"Mirabel! her doors locked! I think she's hurt- I don't know, casita brought me here" Pepa exclaimed panicking quietly to them, a rumble of thunder above them.

"Casita! Open the door, do whatever, just get me in there!" Julieta exclaimed pushing on the door, the door finally swung open casita having had to move several items away to get the door open for pepa.

Julieta almost sobbed at the sight of her daughters' wavering feet on the edge of the casita,

"Mira! Mirabel!" her mother yelled scrambling to get to her hija, she grabbed her arm pulling her back inside her room. Her hand growing wet with a warm liquid, Mirabel looked confused, squinting with a dull look in her eyes.

Julieta now took notice of her daughter's pale skin, her own child's blood seeping into her dress.

"agustín!" she called to her husband who was shell-shocked in the doorway, pepa was quick to help her, supporting Mirabel as her mom ran off to get food.

Agustín and pepa, carried Mirabel downstairs to the kitchen as Julieta cooked as fast as she could. Pepas thundering cloud threatening to rain above them, 

"Keep your eyes open mi Vida, shhhh, just breathe it's okay" Agustín whisper into his daughter's hair, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Tired..." Mirabel mumbled, "I know, you'll rest soon just a little longer okay Mi amor." he smiled sadly holding himself together for his dying daughter.

Julieta turned around quickly holding the warm food to Mirabel, Mirabel moved her mom's hand away weakly. "Please, Mira- just one bite mi Vida," her mamá asked, returning her hand to her face.

her mamá, her eyes could barely register her mom's sweet face in front of hers, or the feeling of her pá's breathing against her side.

"mamá?" she breathed out wincing at her arms,

"Yes, mi Vida, now eat," she said putting the food up to her lips, Mirabel reluctantly ate swallowing the bite hoarsely.

Pepa came back setting clean clothes onto the table ready to take to Julieta's room.

Mirabel pushed herself out of her father's arms, falling to the floor, feeling the bile rise in her throat.

she threw up the food onto the floor, gasping for air.

Her pá pulled her back rubbing her comfortingly, looking over her arms, the wounds had healed all that remained was dried blood on her skin and clothes. He exhaled in relief, scooping her back into his arms. Her sobbing was uncontrollable now, hiccupping into her pá's shirt.

Pepa said she would clean up, and ushered her Hermana to go to her daughter

Julieta thanked her, taking her youngest to her room.

"Pepa?" Felix asked, entering the kitchen

Pepa broke down into tears, holding onto her husband tightly. The rain started to pour above them, "what's going on mi amor?" he asked trying to calm her.

"Mirabel, she's hurt- and I don't know how much I s-should say." she shuddered. his eyes softened, It must be bad if pepa is this worked up over it, he could only wonder what happened, he took a deep breath and calmed himself. "Julieta and Agustin are going to take good care of Mirabel, let's just get some rest, okay?" Felix said rubbing his anxious wife's shoulders, " I have to clean up," she said gesturing to the blood and bile-ridden floor.

"I got it, just get some rest amor," he said shooing her to bed.

leaving himself to his thoughts as he cleaned up, worry furrowing his brow.

"Shhh, it's okay mi Vida, we're just going to clean you up, okay?" she nodded subtly, making Julieta's heartache at her daughters' pain.

She helped her change throwing her bloody nightgown away, agustín set a small bowl of warm water down and dipped a cloth into it, lovingly wiping her arms cleaning away the blood.

Mirabel felt a warmness spread inside her chest, basking in the overwhelming emotions of feeling loved. Even when she was at her darkest, her body ached for the touch of her parents.

the approval, the support, the love. warm tears rolled down her face, comforting her in the feelings that welled up inside her. she could care less about what would come next, she just felt the moment.

Her parents sat beside her, having finished. "Ay mi amor," her mom said cupping her cheeks with warm hands, feeling hot against her cold skin. her soft fingers rubbed away her tears, as her Papi rubbed her back.

Her sobbing grew worse, as she felt loved, heard, seen, held.

"Mi Vida, what's wrong?" her Mami asked, her brows furrowing in worry at her growing sobs.

"Mami" Mirabel cried falling into her arms, clutching onto her like the world would fall apart if she didn't. She sobbed into her mom; Julieta grabbed her husband pulling him into the embrace. She felt like she was 5 again, her parents having been quick to her aid when the door faded before her eyes. Trying their best to explain to their youngest, that it wasn't her fault.

they held her, not letting go, her eyes fell droopy and slipped her into a sweet slumber. Agustin laid her down, snuggling up beside her holding Mirabel tight in his arms, Julieta doing the same on her other side. Holding her as she slept.

Agustín smiled, not remembering the last time they held each other like this, wishing Isabella, and Luisa were there for the hug.

deciding to let the sweet relief of slumber take them, they let themselves drift to sleep. Worrying about everything in the morning. 

"What's wrong Mi Vida?" (Mirabel Madrigal Angst)Where stories live. Discover now