Cafes and Cloaks

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~Author's note~

Hey everyone! I'm glad that people are actually reading my story and want it to be updated, but to be honest, I kind of forgot about it...

I know, I'm awful... But anyways! Here's your update!

~Maka's P.O.V.~

Well, here we are. All eight of us wandering the streets of Death City with no clue where we want to go and what we're looking for exactly. The reason for this little adventure around town is because of Patty, who was way too excited and decided to go drop my birthday cake. So after Kid freaked out about the mess and forced everyone to scrub the floor clean of cake until you could see our reflections, we came to a decision of going out to find another source of dessert. But so far, to our disappointment, we've found nothing.

I continue trudging along the sidewalk, occasionally scraping my feet on the hard pavement as I grow more and more tired of our little outing. I can hear Liz - who is still scolding Patty behind me like she has been for the past hour - sigh in frustration.

"Let's just give up and go home already," she mumbles to herself defeatedly, but loud enough for the rest of the group to hear.

"We can't give up just yet," responds Tsubaki, still hanging on to some sort of optimism, "there could be something right around the corner for all we know!"

The rest of the group exchange a look and turn around to head back home in defeat. Surprised by there sudden willingness to give in and apparent telepathic communication skills, I freeze where I'm standing and watch as the group is slowly making their way back towards our short journeys starting point. Suddenly I hear a familiar voice from behind me.

"Hey, guys," Soul calls out.

"Just give it up already, we're not going to find anything open at this time." Liz sighs while Crona, who's been quiet this whole time nods in agreement.

"No I'm serious, look, Tsubaki was right." Sure enough, Soul was standing at the corner, pointing at a small coffee shop with its lights on that's hidden from view if he hadn't of checked around the turn of the street.

"Oh..." Everyone whispered in unison as they walked towards the cafe with embarrassed expressions, except for BlackStar who was laughing rather loudly in his obnoxious tone. I was rather shocked to hear Soul speak up because he's been quiet for a while now, ever since the game of hide and seek if I recall...

As we enter the cafe, a small bell chimes on the door, signalling new customers have arrived. I mumble a small thanks to Soul for holding the door open for me, who simply nodded in response. I notice how he lets go of it when BlackStar tries to walk through causing him to slam his head into the door stopping his laughter and earning an annoyed hey from the boy. I also catch how Soul chuckles under his breath and shoves his hands into his jacket pockets.

BlackStar enters a moment later complaining to Soul about his little stunt as Tsubaki sighs at their fanatics behind him. The interaction between the two friends causes a smile to pull at the corners of my lips. What goofballs.

The guy behind the counter looks up at the sound of out entrance and smiles. He's not any older than us with chocolate brown curls trimmed to his ears, smooth tanned skin and a faded green apron tied around his waist.

"Welcome! What can I do for you tonight?" He chimes, happy to see some customers at this hour. It's already dark out and I assume not many people go out to get some coffee when it's late.

"Do you have any cakes or pastries here?" I ask him, glancing down at his name tag, "um... Asher?" He lets out a deep laugh.

"Ya, we have some different kinds by the counter, but if you want, I can bring over a menu."

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