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~Author's Note~

Hey, hey, hey once again! First of all, I'd like to thank everyone for reading and (hopefully) enjoying this story so far... Again... But really, thank you all!

Secondly, in return for all the support that I'm getting, I'm going to start trying to update more often, so I hope you can look forward to that! Yeah so I'll try not to forget about this for a couple months... Sorry once again for that... Anyway, I hope everyone's summer has been great so far, I just got back from vacation myself.

But whatever! Let's continue with the story!

~Maka's P.O.V.~

As I open my eyes to the sound of bird chirping restlessly outside my window, I instantly shut them again. I was so sure I had closed my curtains before going to bed last night, but somehow the light of the morning has found a way to sneak back into my bedroom. My first thought was of how Soul must have snuck in while I slept and cranked the curtains open just enough for sunlight to hit my face and blind me at six in the morning, but then I considered the fact that he wouldn't be awake yet, like most weekends.

After wrestling with my blankets for a good minute, I finally crawled out of bed and my bare feet made contact with the cold wood floor, causing a shiver to run down my spine. It's not until I reach for my bedroom door and am about to emerge into the world when I realize I should probably do something about the tangled mess of hair on my head. I quickly run through it with my brush and tie it in a messy bun, too lazy to do anything decent with it. Once I got that out of the way, I walk out into the hallway.

While walking by Soul's room, I fight the urge to peek in and see if he's still asleep or not but manage to control my curiosity. Though, after all my hard work, I find Soul in the washroom in the middle of brushing his teeth, so I guess that answers my question of wether or not he's awake.

"You're up early," I say to him, "any particular reason as to why you're not still snoring like a gorilla?" Soul turns around, sleep still lingering in his eyes, so he must not have been up muck longer than I have. He still has his toothbrush in his mouth, causing his voice to sound slightly muffled.

"First of all, I don't snore that loudly -"

"Yes you do."

"And secondly, we have school today, so I should be asking why you weren't up earlier," he finishes, brushing off my last comment. (A/N: Haha get it? Brushing off? Because he's brushing his teeth? Aha... Ya... Sorry)

"Um Soul?" I start, causing him to look back up at me with an arched eyebrow, "it's still the weekend..."

"What?! I thought it was Monday!! Why am I awake so early?!" Soul protested.

"Also, it's a long weekend, just so you know. We have Monday off as well..."

"I might as well go back to sleep then..." I hear him grumble as I start to walk away.

"No sense in that now!" I comment over my shoulder as I head to the kitchen, "come have some breakfast instead! Also, you should have probably eaten before brushing your teeth."

I can still hear his grumbling as he finishes up in the bathroom and heads over to the couch in the living room. As he plops down and makes himself comfortable, I open the fridge to a sad sight.

"Soul! We're out of food again, you need to stop eating so much!" I accuse.

"Hey! Don't blame this all on me every time! You have a surprisingly large apatite yourself miss no self control!" He replies, leaning back further on the couch and placing his hands behind his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2015 ⏰

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