Get Ready For The Suprise!

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~Authors note~

Hey, hey, hey!

WHAT?!?! 100 READS?!?! O.o

Thank you to everyone who read my story!! I didn't think it would even get 50 reads!! Or close to that!! Anyways, thanks for all the support!! Love y'all, and have a super duper day!!!

On with da story!!!

~Soul's P.O.V.~

I slowly open my eyes, my vision still blurry from sleep. Once the drowsiness cleared from my eyes, I gasp.

I've stumbled across a surprising site; Maka is curled up next to my half naked body, still sound asleep.

One of her ash blond pigtails is coming out and the other is a tangled mess that still manages to frame her smooth, peaceful face. Small hints of air pulse onto my chest as she breathes through her slightly open pink lips.

I realize that I am just staring at her sleeping body, like a creep, and try to worm my way out of the tangles mess that our limbs have created.

Unfortunately, in the process, I wake Maka. Her pale eyelids, opening to two round emeralds that glance up to me sleepily.

"Happy birthday." I say, as she wakes up.

Maka's eyes grow wide as she takes in the situation and she jumps up in shock, letting out a small yelp.

I watch in awe as she jumps so high that when she lands back on the bed, she bounces back off, and lands on the floor with a bang.

Maka slowly gets up, rubbing her tailbone, that didn't survive the fall as well as the rest of her, and stares back at me, eyes filled with a mixture of emotions.

Wonder, disbelief, awe, horror, and embarrassment.

"Ummm... I... Uh..." She stammers, still shocked, "I have to go to the bathroom!!!" Maka yells, running into the bathroom, messy pigtails trailing behind her.

I hear a loud bang, as the bathroom door is slammed behind her, and Maka disappears for who knows how long.

I scratch the back of my neck, sighing, and get up off of the bed. I'm still not prepared for Maka's energy levels.

"Jeez," I say to myself, "she couldn't of made it weirder."

I walk into my bedroom, closing the door behind me, much quieter than Maka did, and decide to get dressed, putting the whole event behind me.

~Maka's P.O.V.~

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!

I can't believe that just happened!! I'm not even one hundred percent sure what happened!

All I know is I woke up with Soul in my bed, and not only that, but half naked Soul in my bed!!

I remember him checking on me in the middle of the night, but I just thought that was part of my dream!! I didn't expect him to be there when I woke up!!

I mean, it wasn't bad to have someone there... But Soul's my weapon and friend!! That was just awkward! I don't think I made it any better though, by running off like that...

Come to think of it, why did I stop him from leaving in the first place? Even if I thought it was just a dream?

And what was with that whole 'Happy birthday' stuff? I know it's my birthday, but did he have to say it so softly? Like we are a newly wed couple?

I push my back up against the bathroom door, sliding down until I am sitting on the floor. I let out a heavy sigh as I try to catch my breath from the excitement of the situation.

I try to forget the event and focus on getting ready. Today's the big day after all, isn't it?


Once Soul and I are ready, and have eaten breakfast, we decide to head towards Kid's house for the party.

I make sure to walk a few steps I front of Soul on our way there to hide my embarrassment and, most likely, blush. The silence between us could kill some one from tension.

"Maka?" Soul says, from behind me, making me jump and piercing the silence.

"Yeah?" I reply, turning my head slightly, but still walking.

"I'm sorry, for this morning." He says.

"Oh no!" I panick, waving my arms like an idiot, "it was my fault in the first place! If I just didn't have that stupid nightmare and drag you into my bed so I could sleep, it wouldn't of happened! I mean, poor you! You didn't even have a choice, and I just-" I blabbered until Soul's loud laugh interrupted me.

"Phhht! You look like an idiot! Haha!" He says, pointing to my arms that froze in place while I was flinging them around like a moron.

I quickly linked my hands behind my back and gave a slight smile. This broke most of the ice that froze between us since this morning.

"Now come on!" Soul says, "let's get to kids house!" He walks in front of me, and I start to pout. I jump up a few steps in the lead, not liking being in second.

The rest of the walk to Kids isn't as awkward, and Soul and I are almost back to our normal chitchat, but the recent events still linger in the back of our minds.

~Author's note~

Hey again! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!! I know it was short and pretty uneventful, but whateva!! The important part is coming up!!

I'll try to update soon!!

Bye for now!!

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