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Caroline looks into his blue-green eyes for the first time that night and whispers, "I think, a part of me has always known that you weren't the villain in my story "

"Caroline," he says, and she smiles, loving the way her name rolls off his tongue. "If today was not my last day alive would you still be here, would you still have come to me?" Says Niklaus

She smiles once again, this time though with a mischievous glint in her eyes, "Maybe i would have let you chase me around for a couple more centuries. The chase was always the good part wasn't it?"

"I'm glad you came he says ," a genuine smile gracing his features.

Caroline suddenly becomes serious,"Klaus, why aren't you saying goodbye to your daughter though?" She asks, "She deserves to know that you are dying for her, not because of her. She already thinks her mom died because of her, she doesn't need you to add another parent to the list."

Sighing,"I know, " he says, "I just, i do not know how to say goodbye."

"Try this," she says whilst looking into his glistening eyes, "One of you stands and walks to the door but doesn't turn back. Even if their heart aches for just one more look, one more moment, but you'll know that the not looking means," a sad smile graces her lips," I'll never forget you"

Tears threaten to fall but she wills them away not wanting his last memory of her to be a sobbing mess, wanting to be remembered as strong, beautiful and full of life. With that she gets up, walks to the door, pauses there for a second, sadly smiles and without looking back she walks out of the diner.

walks away from him, forever this time.

He watches her go, comforted by the fact that he had indeed claimed a small spot in the blond beauty's heart. As he sits there, with only his glass of bourbon as a companion, he realizes just how much this sacrifice is costing him. For Hope though, his hope and little princess, it is worth it. His lips tug upwards as he whispers under his breath," Who could have thought that the Big Bad Hybrid was to die willingly and for another.

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