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After an hour or so of drowning his sorrows in Bourbon, Niklaus finally makes his way home. On his way home he bumps into a dark skinned woman holding a little girl's hand. The woman says something which he doesn't hear due to his tipsy state, his loud unpleasant thoughts or simply because of the fact that he does not care. He then gets home, where he finds all of his siblings as well as his daughter waiting for him.

Avoiding eye contact with all, he mumbles, "I thought i made it clear to all of you that i wish to be alone today."

"Brother, we have never left, for the past ten centuries we have stood by you, what makes you think that that will change today?" Says Elijah, his older brother.

"Yes Nik, Always and Forever," says a crying Rebecca as she walks over to her brother then embraces him crying for the brother she is to lose on the following day, forever.

Nik holds his little sister(okay, maybe not so little) as she cries. For the first time that night he lets a tear drop or two escape his eyes . Rebecca had always been there for him after all.

"I guess always wasn't forever after all," says Kol , the 'humorous' younger brother, as he laughs at his own joke, partly choking on the ball on his throat urging him to cry. Unwilling to let his family see him cry, Kol mumbles an, "i do not fully hate you, you know i was actually starting to like you, " looking at Klaus with watery eyes. With that he leaves the room, tormented by his own emotions. Niklaus watches as Kol walks out with a pained expression oh his face.Noticing this, Elijah places a comforting hand on his shoulder and Rebecca hugs him tighter and Marcel puts a comforting hand on Rebecca's lower back.

Suddenly, Hope(Klaus' daughter) runs out of the room, towards her own. Rebecca steps away from Klaus and points in the direction of Hope's room.

"Perhaps its time you talked to your daughter Niklaus," says Elijah.

"She deserves to know i died for her and not because of her, yes i know"

"At least your pending death has somehow made you wise," says Rebecca wiping away tears with her palms , as a sad smile forms on her lips.

Niklaus makes his way to Hope's room. He tries the door and finds it unlocked . He walks in and sees her standing, staring at the painting she had stolen from him and hung in her room. The painting is of a dark room with a door at the center and light trying to make its way into the dark room though three streaks are prominent.

"You know this is my favorite," Niklaus says whilst looking at the portrait as well.

"Exactly why i stole it," she says with her back still facing him.

"I never really understood why you were so nail bent on taking it ."

"I thought that if i observed it enough i would get to understand you. I thought that if i hung it on my wall you'd have a reason to visit my room." she says with a wavering voice and tears rolling down her cheeks, "Why do you not love me?" She asks.

Niklaus walks to her and holds her as she cries,"You truly believe that i do not love you?" He asks.

"Yes," she says against his chest, still crying,"If you loved me you wouldn't leave me."

"I'm not leaving you my littlest wolf, my hope. " Softly says Niklaus.

"I'm leaving because i can't bear the thought of losing you. I've been alive for a thousand years. I think its about time," says Niklaus as he strokes her hair, tears in his eyes. "Promise me something, there is a whole world out there, full of art, music and beauty. Enjoy it. All of it," he breaks the hug and holds her at arms length .

"Did you figure out what the painting represents?"


"I painted it a week after you were born. Actually i had started painting it a long time back, but i had never managed to complete it. You see the third streak of light?" She nods her head in response

"I painted it after you were born. The light behind the door represents the light in my life, my darkness. You are the brightest Hope. I have so much love for you Hope. After i die, always remember that i was, am a happy father. I'm so proud of you, of the beautiful woman you are becoming, " Niklaus says as he wipes her tears away. He walks her to her bed and spends the night by his little wolf's side, talking to her and truly getting to know her . Rebecca, Marcel and Elijah watch from the door as each feels grief.

His MateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora