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Upon leaving the diner, Caroline makes her way to her favorite spot in the city; A beautiful isolated area he had introduced her to.

"You are so beautiful Caroline," he had once said at the very spot, making her feel like maybe for once she was the one.

There,thinking about him, looking at the beautiful trees and listening to the birds, she lets the tears flow. She cries her heart out; cries for everyone who has ever left her, she cries for the people she is also yet to lose, cries for the hopes and dreams which are to be crushed by his death on the following day and for never being the one.

"Girls like us Care, we don't get a happily ever after," she hears her friend Katherine's voice in her head. The very sentence had been said to her multiple times by Katherine, yet she had dared to hope, but who could blame her. The possibility of finding love has always been too tempting.


In the midst of the crying and self pity, Caroline hears voices and the survival instinct kicks in, compelling her to focus on what is being said so as to determine whether there is need to take flight or to fight.

"Please let me go," she hears a child's voice saying. Instinctively she vamp speeds in the direction of the voice and finds another vampire with his fangs in the little girl's wrist. She quickly grabs the vampire and before he has time to react she pushes him away and stands protectively in front of the little girl.

"Back off!" She growls through gritted teeth.

"Mmmmm feisty, i like that," nonchalantly says the vampire, with a smirk.

"You know what," she says, "today isn't one of my best days so do your sorry self a favor and run, before i start chasing "

"Get chasing baby doll. "

Those are his last words before Caroline vamp speeds in his direction and pulls out his heart.

She watches as he desiccates. "So this is how Klaus is going to look like tomorrow?" She asks out loud , lost in thought then a little voice brings her back. Caroline turns to face the little girl and is surprised to see that other than the wound around on her wrist, the little girl looks fine.

"Aren't you supposed to shaking in fear, crying or something?" Caroline blurts out.

"Well," the little person starts, "mama says nothing can harm me. Oh and i don't remember what happened after the man over there(pointing at the desiccated corpse) promised to take me to mama"

Just then Caroline hears movement behind her.

"Cathy! I've been worried sick about you," says a gorgeous dark skinned woman,"Cathy you know mama doesn't like it when she has to use locating spells to find you," continues the lady as she fiercely hugs the little girl, Cathy. After hugging her child, the woman looks up at Caroline then at her daughter, then at the desiccated body then at Caroline again, this time with an eyebrow raised .

"He was hurting your daughter, I interfered and here we are now," says Caroline , answering the unasked question whilst pointing at the desiccated corpse.

The woman looks at Cathy as though for confirmation . When Cathy nods , the woman smiles and extends her hand towards Caroline.

"I'm Laura and thank you," she says.

Caroline smiles,"Caroline," she simply says in response whilst extending her hand.

As soon as their hands make contact Laura's eyes widen then shut.

"Something is troubling you," Laura says, "for helping me out i am granting you a rare gift. A hidden truth shall be revealed to you. When you wake up tomorrow, you will remember what has to be remembered and forget what has to be forgotten. Guard your heart's purity Caroline." With that Laura and Cathy leave, leaving a very confused Caroline behind. After standing there for some minutes, Caroline then disposes of the corpse and decides to head home, all her worries resurfacing.

She gets home and heads straight to her room, glad that Bonnie and Katherine, her best friends are not around. As soon as she enters her room , she is overcome by a wave of exhaustion and the last thing she remembers before giving inn to the strong pull of sleep is a vivid image of a white wolf and Laura.

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