Alice the protector

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Alice is a very voluptuous 4 meter tall woman who is dedicated to being a warrior of a guild that is administered by her childhood friend Amber, Alice usually does not get close to people because two things can happen, they run away or she for some reason eats them, Alice has a serious appetite control problem that has made her eat different beings such as people, gnomes, goblins, fairies, trolls, orcs and any poor creature that has the bad luck to pass near her when she is hungry.

Alice has been called for a mission by her friend Amber who has asked her to stay overnight in an inn, Alice does not like inns very much, they serve little food according to her, but since her friend has asked her to stay there she must .

- "Ahhhh, at least I could sleep well here" Alice said while yawning, then she realized that there was a knock on the door, it was a lady with a plate of food

- "Good morning, here is your breakfast" said the lady

- "Ah? Ah good, finally some food" Alice said as she got up and took the plate along with the included young lady to her mouth

- "Noooo, I'm not part of breakfast !!!! ahhh ..... mmhmhmhmhmhhh" the lady shouted as she tried to escape

- "BURP !!! I was already worrying that breakfast was only the plate, but what a good service this inn has" Alice said while rubbing her belly, even so for her it was a light breakfast

Alice left her room to congratulate the inn's owner for the service, but Alice didn't know that the girl who had just been eaten was the owner's daughter.

- "But what have you done !!!!! please threw up my daughter !!!" the owner of the inn shouted

- "Oh, I can't believe it, I'm really sorry, do you really want me to throw her up? Is that for the time that has passed, the best thing is that you keep your memories of she looked, if I throw she up now, you won't like what she look like "Alice said very embarrassed, she was somewhat clueless too, no one in their right mind would offer themselves to be eaten by Alice

- "Damn !!! I told my daughter not to come to your room, but she said she wanted to serve breakfast to everyone, now my daughter .... I demand that you compensate me !!!!" the owner of the inn shouted

- "I'll give you 100 gold coins sir, but please I don't want any problems" Alice said, she was scared, even though she could eat people, she didn't want to be chased by the officers, not because she couldn't handle them, but because Amber really he would be very angry with her

- "100 gold coins ???? is a joke??, she was my precious daughter, I was going to offer her in marriage to a nobleman, she was the most beautiful in the place !!! 100 coins is an insult !!!" the owner of the inn shouted

- "I'll give you 500 gold coins, that's all I have" Alice said scared

- "I'm going to talk to Amber about this miss" said the owner of the inn while he kept Alice's money

- "I'm really sorry sir, the truth is that I was very hungry in the morning and I couldn't think clearly" Alice said ashamed

- "Get out of my inn !!!" shouted the owner of the inn

- "Okay, okay, I'm going" Alice said very scared as she left the inn

After a few minutes she started walking

- "It can't be !!!! Now everyone will know that I ate the daughter of the inn !!! They will see me as a monster !!! So I will never have a boyfriend!!" Alice thought as she walked, she saw a young man sitting next to a house, she considered him somewhat handsome and began to talk to him

- "Hello young man, do you consider me pretty?" Alice said as she leaned in to speak to the young man

- "Ehhh, you are .... Alice the devourer !!! flee for your lives !!!! ahhhh !!!!" the young man yelled as he ran with all his might

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