The final Battle

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Already finished the half hour that Alice had given to the citizens of GreenDove to get away from her route to the castle, she began to hit the entrance of the citadel knocking it down after 5 punches

-"Jean, my love... now I'm going to rescue you" thought Alice looking on her way to several soldiers with many mithril harpoons

-"In the name of Queen Missy I order you to leave this citadel!!" shouted the captain of the division that was facing Alice

-"Sigh... well, now to eat" Alice said as she walked closer to the soldiers to eat them one by one

Alice was hurt by many mithril harpoons, but they weren't serious injuries, she just kicked the crossbows where the harpoons were and then ate the soldiers.

In the midst of all the commotion, many people stayed to see what Alice looked like and were amazed at her curves, some even came very close to see her gigantic butt.

-"Wow!! She has a gigantic butt!!" exclaimed a very shocked person

-"Thank you very much!!! I had to eat a lot to have it this size" Alice said while slapping her gigantic butt in front of that person making him nosebleed

Alice continued to advance through the citadel en route to the castle, the wounds from the mithril harpoons were not a big deal for her, as soon as she removed the harpoons, her wounds closed in a few minutes thanks to the fact that there were 3 soldier camps in her stomach that Alice had eaten before going to attack the citadel and all those nutrients were being very useful to her


-"Counselor Mathew!!!! the soldiers can't stop Alice!!!" said a very scared soldier

-"This is worse than I thought... is the colossus ready yet?" Mathew commented

- "It's not long before it's fully charged" said the soldier who was still upset

-"Send the mercenaries, we must distract that giantess at all costs!!!" Mathew exclaimed

-"But..." said the soldier but was interrupted by Mathew

-"I know, we are feeding her!!!! but I doubt that she can fight against the colossus with a full stomach" commented Mathew angrily who did not know what to do to stop Alice's advance, and the high priest who was going to marry Alice Missy with Jean hadn't arrived yet


Although the soldiers couldn't stop Alice and ended up in her stomach they were causing Alice a lot of delay.

-"BUUURRPPP!!! uffff I must hurry" Alice said while rubbing her huge belly after eating another division of soldiers

At that time many orcs, goblins and trolls came with their beasts to attack Alice, but some had been distracted and were looting the houses of the citizens.

-"Hey!!! the fight is with me not with the citizens!!!" Alice yelled as she took the orcs that were looting and ate them

Alice wanted to keep moving forward but the mercenaries were causing a lot of trouble and she had to take her time eating them all so they wouldn't bother the citizens of Greendove who she had given her word not to hurt if they didn't get in her way.


Already at Greendove Castle, Queen Missy was very impatient because the high priest had not yet arrived.

-"Damn!!!! when will that high priest arrive!!!!! I have an urgent wedding!!" yelled missy

At that moment, Elena enters, well disguised with makeup that made her look much older.

Alice the protectorWhere stories live. Discover now