Alice's Leftover trail

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Elena and Selena began the journey to Greendove escorted by 30 warriors hired by their magic academy.

As the days passed, they were ambushed multiple times by beasts, goblins, trolls, orcs, and thieves, causing the escorting group to shrink from 30 to 20.

One morning when they were following the route they saw something that amazed them

-"Miss Selena, can you tell us what beast could devour 2 huge bears and leave their bones lying around like they were chickens?" asked the captain somewhat trembling

-"It may be a land dragon, but the bones are not noticeable with classic breaks of a dragon" said Selena while checking the bones of the bears

-"So you don't know what ate those bears?" the captain asked frightened

-"Sister, there are burns on the bones" Elena said pointing to some bones

-"Are you telling me that something hunted and cooked those bears?" the captain asked frightened

-"Sir! There are some footprints, they belong to... a woman..." said a soldier

-"Woman!!! but the footprints are huge!!!" exclaimed the captain

-"The giants were extinct by the hunting goddess called Marina, there must be a rational explanation" said Elena thoughtfully

-"I just hope that thing is not close to us, we will have a lot of casualties if we run into it" said the captain

-"Let's continue with the road, something so big would be easy to see" Selena said with a calm voice


After several hours they reached a lake and heard some cries

-"Sister, keep your spells ready, we must check the lake" Elena said

-"But couldn't we just pass by?" Selena asked

-"And if it's someone who begs for help?" Elena said

-"Call one of the warriors to accompany us" said Selena

-"No, if it's a siren she will control the warrior and make them attack us" Elena said

-"Okay, let's both go" said Selena

Elena and Selena approached the lake and saw a nymph who was crying inconsolably

-"Hello, can we help you?" Elena asked

-"No, you can't..." said the nymph crying

-"I don't understand why you cry?" Elena asked

-"Yesterday a huge woman came to the lake and ate all my sisters, my mother tried to stop her and she killed her and cooked her like a fish, sniff snif" said the nymph as she tried to stop crying

-"So.... only you left?" asked Elena very nervous

-"This lake was beautiful with my sisters swimming there, but there is no one except me... It has been more than 20 years since a man passed through here, at least he could have 3 or 4 daughters to start repopulating the lake. .. snif snif" said the nymph in a very distressed way

-"One question, did the giant show signs of intelligence?" Selena asked

-"At least she reasons like a normal person, but her belly... my sisters were dissolving in that huge belly!!! buahhh!!!!" said the nymph who could not contain her tears

-"Thank you very much for your information, can you wait for us? Now we'll be back" Elena said

Elena and Selena went back to where the group of soldiers

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