Please don't eat me Alice

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Alice was holding Jean's hand out of Amber's guild building.

-"Jean, please I need you to walk a little in front of me, my breasts don't allow me to easily see what is under me" Alice said very kindly

-"Eh yes, it's fine" Jean said as he thought how to run away from her and take the route to GreenDove on his own

After an hour of leaving the town they were already in the field near the forest that they had to cross.

-"Jean, I ask you not to be afraid of me, I am a very kind and sweet person, nobody will dare to hurt you while you are by my side" Alice said trying to calm Jean

-"Damn Alice, a truly kind and sweet person would never say that about themselves" thought Jean as he turned his gaze towards Alice to only see how Alice vomited a beautiful dress, it was the dress of the daughter of the inn owner who had eaten a few minutes ago

-"Ehhhhh, but what is... that?" asked Jean very scared as he remembered what the mercenaries told him at the guild before Alice arrived

-"It's nothing Jean" Alice said but was interrupted by her stomach that began to growl

-"Shit, shit, shit she's already hungry!!! Please don't eat me Alice!!!!, I have to run away from this place" thought Jean while he was paralyzed with fear

-"Jean, sorry but I haven't had a good breakfast, could we start with the trip? I'm sure I'll be able to eat something in the forest" Alice said as she took some women's shoes out of her mouth

-"Can't this girl be more subtle? How can I not be scared when I see how she takes off the shoes of the woman who had just eaten a few hours ago?" Jean thought

-"Jean? Is everything okay? You're very quiet" Alice said, despite Alice's enormous size, she really is very clueless

-"Alice!!! there's a boar behind you, but don't turn around, I'll shoot it with an arrow to catch it" Jean said in a low voice, hoping Alice would believe the trick.

-"But when are you going to shoot?" Alice asked

-"Could you close your eyes please?" Jean asked hoping Alice wouldn't notice.

-"Of course!!" Alice said as she closed her eyes thinking that it was an excuse for Jean to kiss her, at least she would settle for a kiss from him

-"Great! she fell for the trick! Now to run! Goodbye!" Jean thought as he ran off in a hurry

After 5 minutes that Alice had closed her eyes she suspected that something had happened, she opened them and saw Jean running in the distance

-"Shit!!! He ran away!!!!! Amber is going to die because of me" Alice shouted as she ran to try to reach Jean while in her mind the image of Amber being executed in a square by orders from the queen.

-"Ahhhh, she saw me!!!! now she's going to catch me!!! I just have to get to my mother's castle and say that Alice tried to kill me!!!" Jean yelled as he ran with all her might

Jean kept running through the field, he even ran into a group of mercenaries passing by, apparently they weren't from Amber's guild and were just passing through.

-"Save me!!! That huge woman is trying to kill me!!!" Jean yelled

-"We are mercenaries, we don't work for free!!" said a two meter tall mercenary with very marked muscles who had an ax the size of Jean

-"Hey little boy, your face sounds familiar to me, but it doesn't matter, if there's no money, we won't help you" said a woman who had very marked abs and used a long and heavy sword

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