The prelude to the final battle

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Elena and Selena were touring the citadel of Greendove while they had summoned a mouse book to investigate the castle and gather information.

-"Sister... the mouse you sent hasn't come back yet" said Elena totally worried

-"It shouldn't be far, my scepter is blinking, it should be back in a few minutes" Selena said with a calm voice

After several minutes the mouse book arrived

-"At last you arrive Whiskers, muack" Selena said and then kissed the little mouse

-"And what have you managed to find out?" Elena asked

Whiskers the mouse began to show everything he had seen and heard to the twins, things were not pretty at all about the military might of Queen Missy


mythril weapons

various archmages

Many orcs, goblins, trolls

several dragons in the underground to release them in the kingdoms that opposed her

A colossus empowered with magic

And worst of all, Queen Missy would give Jean a magical poison after the wedding so that he would die, making Queen Linda believe that her son had died of natural causes.


-"Damn, she wants the orichalcum mines that Jean has, she's a very bad person!!" Elena exclaimed

-"If we go back to the magic academy it will be too late, there is a week left for the wedding and when the academy finds out, Missy's army will be able to forge orichalcum weapons and it will be very difficult to stop her" said Selena worried

-"But what can we do? We are only two magicians" Elena said very scared

-"We need Alice's help" Selena said

-"She already left, we have to accept it, she was very angry and hurt by Jean's forced marriage" Elena said

The twins returned to the inn where they were staying and the owner looked at them with a sad face.

-"Ladies, I see you with a very sad face" said the owner of the inn

-"The boyfriend of a friend of mine has been forced to marry another woman" Elena said with tears in her eyes

-"I understand, although forced marriages are common they are still ugly, I don't know if you believe in gods, but here I have a small statue of the goddess of conquest" said the owner of the inn as she took out a small statue

-"Sigh, not to offend, but as far as I understand, she died treacherously attacked" said Selena

-"sister!!!!! don't be rude!!!" Elena said

-"No problem, I know, she was treacherously murdered by other gods who were very envious of her" said the owner of the inn

-"Then I don't understand why you ask us to pray to that little statue" said Selena

-"The story did not end there, everyone knows that the niece of the goddess of conquest took revenge against the treacherous gods by eliminating them completely, but they omitted something else, the goddess of conquest could be revived although very weakened, she has an unimaginable power , some say that she travels this world watching over pure love" said the owner of the inn

-"Sigh, we don't lose anything by praying to her" said Selena

-"It's true, maybe a miracle will happen" said Elena

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