An unexpected Matchmaker

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Jean was dreaming in a gigantic bed surrounded by two gigantic pillows, he felt very calm, finally he was back in his castle, but every time he began to feel colder and colder in his gigantic bed and pillows.

Jean woke up, he was in the middle of Alice's huge cleavage while she was running with all her might, she was running away from something.

-"Alice!!! what's going on???" asked Jean very surprised but Alice didn't answer, she was very exhausted.

Alice stopped, pulled Jean out of her cleavage, and collapsed.

-"Flee Jean please, you must get to Greendove safely" said Alice very exhausted

-"Alice, but what is happening??" Jean looked at Alice's back and saw a lot of spikes stuck in her, then he looked into the distance and noticed a big dragon that was following them.

-"Jean, please run away, I will stop that dragon" said Alice who was pale from all the blood loss, the spikes had caused serious injuries on Alice and while she was running she had left a trail of blood easily traceable by the dragon

-"Are you crazy? You are very hurt!!!" Jean said as he tried to get the spikes out of Alice's back.

-"I would like to tell you what I feel for you, but if you don't reciprocate you will be uncomfortable, but if you reciprocate my feelings you would prefer to die with me and my friend Amber will be executed" Alice thought as she looked at Jean

-"Alice!!! I'm going to protect you!!!" said Jean, even he himself had no idea how to beat a dragon

-"Please run away Jean...." Alice said but fainted

The dragon was very large, with a lot of armor and it threw spikes from its mouth, it was not known how it got to the town where they were resting yesterday, but it had already torn the town to pieces

-"Stay away!!!" Jean shouted using the sword that Alice had given her

The dragon ignored Jean and began to approach Alice, apparently she would be a better food for the dragon, something very ironic for her that she had consumed so many people and animals.

Jean couldn't accept that this was happening and started running towards the dragon to attack it.

-"Your courage fascinates me, but that's not how you attack a dragon" said a female voice that seemed familiar to Jean

-"Is it you?" Jean looked at the young warrior, it was the same one who had told Alice how to find him when he was running away from her.

The young warrior used her sword and plunged it into the dragon's skull, killing it instantly.

-"She killed it with a single blow!!! It's impossible!!!" Jean exclaimed

Not many metals could pierce a dragon's skin, much less its head, and this warrior had pierced it like it was made of paper.

-"Ah, it's you two again" said the young warrior

-"Thank you very much for saving us" said Jean impressed

-"My name is Veronica, let's say I'm a dragon slayer" Veronica said smiling as if killing a dragon was a simple hobby

-"Ahhh Alice is very hurt, please help me get the spikes out of her!!!" Jean exclaimed as he ran to Alice

-"Okay, I don't have anything better to do today" Veronica said

Jean and Veronica took their time getting all the spikes out of Alice's back.

-"Veronica, I beg you to bring water in a bucket so I can clean Alice's wounds" said Jean

-"Count me in" said Veronica as she went to the ruins of the town to look for a bucket and check if the well was still available

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