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Robert stood in the hallway. With a huge bouquet of flowers in his hands, he smiled.

I looked around me. The whole house was full of candles.
I smelled lilac and roses and other scents I didn't recognise immediatly.

I fell crying in his arms.
"Welcome home." He whispered before he kissed me.

He took me to the livingroom and that room was also filled with candles.
On the table was a bottle of champagne and a chocolate cake.

I took a closer look and something was written on the cake.

For the best girl in the world. I never loved anybody as much as I love you.

I read the words and tears started rolling down my cheecks again.

This was the most romantic thing anybody had ever done for me.

I looked at him, still crying, and ran into his arms again.
He embraced me for a long time. I enjoyed being in his arms.

"Thank you." I said quietly after a couple of minutes.

"You're welcome." He said looking in my eyes.

I stretched up to kiss him and he lifted me up.
He took me to the couch and we sat down there.

When I looked around again, I started crying.
I couldn't believe anyone would do something like that to me.

I looked up at him and asked;
"Why did you do this?"

"I just wanted to show you my love. I never loved anyone so much. You work so hard lately and I tough you deserved this."

While he said this tears started rolling again. This was so sweet!
I hugged him and then kissed him.

"Will we go and eat some cake? I didn't bake it as decoration." He smiled.

"Yes! Let's eat, I'm hungry."
And I jumped up. He took my hand and lead me to the table.

We ate cake and then we went upstairs. Well, he took me in his arms and took me upstairs.

He let me fall on the bed and we started laughing.
He also fell on the bed and then hugged me.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too."

Then he started kissing me.

The next morning

I woke up and I laid across the bed. I looked around me but I was all alone.
I smelled eggs, so I got dressed and walked downstairs.

Rob was cooking breakfast for us.
I walked over to him and kissed him.

"Goodmorning." He said with a huge smile on his face.

"Hey." I smiledwhile I took a seat in front of him.

We chatted a little and then we ate breakfast.
Then we left the house to go to the set.

When we arrived everyone was already there. We were filming Eclipse at the moment.

We started shooting immediatly.
During the break I talked to Nikki and Ashley.
It was a long time ago I talked to them, so I enjoyed having a little girl talk.

We talked about me and Rob a while and then we aggreed we should go to a restaurant together again. We were going to meet the next day. I would drive with them to the restaurant after shooting.

The filming was done and we went home.

"Hey Rob, tomorrow evening I'm going to eat dinner with Nikki and Ashley."

"Okay, where are you going?"

"I don't know yet. The girls are going to take me somewhere."

"Oh, okay! Have fun." He said before we stepped out of the car.
We went inside and Rob put on the tv.
I went to the kitchen to grab some drinks and I went to sit next to him.

He put his arm around me and kissed my forehead before we started witching a movie.
He picked out Titanic and I knew I would cry.

And I cried. When Jack drowned I started crying and I didn't stop till the end of the movie.
I looked up at Rob while the tears were streaming down my cheecks.

I tought I saw some tears in his eyes.

"Are you crying too?" I asked. My voice broke at the word crying.

He looked down at me.

"Yes I am." He said and a tear escaped from the corner of his eye.

I catched the tear with my finger and smiled at him.

"There is no reason to cry."

"Said the girl who's face is all wet because of the crying." He said and then he started smiling.

We both laughed and then I sat up because I laid on his lap.
He stroke my hair and then he kissed me.

I was hungry so I stood up and went to the kitchen to grab some food.
I stood with my back to the couch and I was making a sandwish.

Suddenly I felt a pair of hands grabbing my waist.
He laid his chin on my shoulder and I smiled.

I turned my head and our lips were almost touching.

"You want a sandwish too?" I whispered.

"Yes please."

I made the sandwishes while he held my waist and his chin still laid on my shoulder.

I gave him his foor and took my plate. He set his plate on the table and took mine and set in next to his.

He turned me around and lifted up my chin so I had to face him.

"I love you." He whispered.

I knew it because he told me that every day.

"I love you too. And you know." I whispered back.

I laid my head against his chest and hugged him.

We stood in the kitchen for 10 minutes. Just hugging.

"Hey, why did I make those sandwishes? I hope we're going to eat them."

He laughed and gave me my plate.

We ate our sandwishes while we stared in each others eyes.

We went to bed after that because tomorrow was the last day of shooting Eclipse.

Love behind the scenes isn't easy (Robsten)Where stories live. Discover now