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I woke up and got dressed because I was almost too late at the set.
I hurried downstairs and found Rob waiting for me.

"Morning." He said while he gave me a sandwish he made for me for breakfast.

"Hey!" I smiled before I kissed him shortly.

We walked to the car while I ate my breakfast.

We talked a little about the last day of shooting Eclipse. We were looking forward to it, because in 3 weeks was the premiere of the movie.

We had much more fans after the 2 first movies were published.
It also was the first premiere we attended as a couple rather than just co stars.

We arrived at the set and hurried to the place we had to be.

After 1 more week of shooting Eclipse, we shot the last scene, and we had a party with all our co stars.

"We are done with shooting Eclipse. In 2 weeks is the premiere of the movie." Our producer announced.

She gave us all a glass of champagne and we toasted on the end of Eclipse.

Then it was dark and the music started.
I stood next to Ashley and Nikki and we started talking baout some random stuff.

"Are you looking forward to shooting Breaking Dawn?" Nikki asked me.

I tought about that for a while.
Yes I was looking forward to it, because I could kiss Rob...a lot!

No I wasn't because we had to do some sex scenes and I didn't like to do that in public. But it didn't bother me because I was an actress and i had to stay professional.

"Yes I'm looking forward to it, and you?"

"Yes, now I don't have to be that bitch anymore to you." She laughed.

I laughed with her. Nikki was very nice. I would talk to her for hours. But then Rob came to me.

"Go girl! Have some fun, I'll talk to you later." Nikki winked at me before Rob took my hand.

"Thanks Nikki, talk later." I smiled.

Rob took me to the dancefloor and we danced for 20 minutes.
Then they played a slow song, so we slowed.

I threw my hands in his neck and he put his hands around my waist.
My head rested against his chest with his chin on top of it.

He started humming to me and I closed my eyes and smiled.
I was happy.

Then Rob lifted his chin from my head and I looked up. I stared right into his eyes and I saw him smiling.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing. I just enjoy having you in my arms, your arms around my nech and your head against my chest. I could stay like this forever."

I didn't say anything I just reached up to kiss him.
As soon as he noticed what I was trying to do, he lifted me up in his arms and I threw my legs around his waist.

We kissed. The kiss was full of passion.
And suddenly I was on the floor, still kissing, but now I stood on the tips of my toes.

When we stopped kissing, I opened my eyes and looked at him.

"Why did you drop me on the floor? Am I too havy for you?" I teased.

"No, I just think it's cute when you try to reach my lips to kiss me because you are too short." He smiled.

"Oh, I am short? You are just too tall Mr.Pattinson." I laughed.

We were still dancing, and to be honest, we drank a little too much.
We were both drunk, but I wasn't asdrunk as Rob.

He was really as drunk as hell.
So I decided it was time to go home.
Since I didn't have my drivers license yet, I asked Nikki to drop us off.

Before we stepped out off the car the kissed my cheeck very quickly and then shesaid us goodnight.

It was already 3am so it was very dark. I found the keys in Rob his pockets. I opened the door and lead Rob to his bed.

I knew he could be pretty annyoing when he was drunk so I decided to sleep on the couch.

And he was annoying.
I dumped put him down in bed and took off his shoes.

He sat up and grabbed my waist.

"C'mon Krizzten. Come here zo I can make lobve tso you." He mumbled.

I pushed him away.

"No Robert, not tonight. You are as drunk as hell and it's already too late. Go get some sleep please." I told him.

I alsmost ran downstairs because I wanted to get rid of him as soon as possible. I really didn't like him when he was that drunk.

I took a blanket and a pillow and took place on the couch.
The couch was good to sit on, but a little bit too small to sleep on.

When I woke up, I found myself on the ground. I looked up and saw a huge person standing next to me.

I jumped up and I saw it was Rob. I relaxed and sat down on the couch.

I looked at the clock and saw it was already 1:45pm.

"How drunk was I yesterday?" Rob asked sadly.

I stood up and walked to the kitchen to get some water.

"Pretty drunk." I answered.

I drank my glass of water and then turned around to face him.

"I am so sorry Kristen! I didn't mean to be so drunk." He said very sadly. He came over to me and he put his arms around me.

I couldn't help it, so I threw my arms around him.

"It's okay. I'm getting used to it." I mumbled to his chest.

"I love you."

"I love you too." I said.

We started kissing each other.

Love behind the scenes isn't easy (Robsten)Where stories live. Discover now