Chapter 2: welcome!

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My face never felt so hot in my intire life. It was so quiet you could literally hear a pen drop, or more like a fork or spoon.

"Why, you must be dani!" Boomed a loud guys voice my eyes instantly went to him.

I nodded my head, "yeah, i'm dani. Who must you be?" I asked.

"I'm Alpha John." I smiled wider.

"I have one question."

"Ask away." I nodded and looked to see my parents expresions. They looked terrified.

"What's an alpha?" John had a confused look on his face.

"An alpha?" John asked.

"Yes an alpha, my parents never told me what an alpha was or is." I said with a really wide smile looking over at my parents. They faces were pricless.

"H-honey w-we need to talk." Momma said taking my arm and literally draging me into the kitchen.

"What?" I asked playing dumb.

"What in the world is wrong with you? Are you trying to embarass me in front of the whole pack?"

"I'm sorry that I don't know about packs and alphas! You see this is all of your fault! I never wanted to move!" I left them and ran up the stairs to my room.

I slamed the door so hard it almost came off its hinges. I jumped on my bed, threw my glasses on the floor and pulled the covers over me so no one could hear me cry.


After like 20 minutes of crying someone knocked on my door.

"Go away!" I yelled at the person.

"Can we talk?" Asked a guy.

"I don't know who you are!" I yelled at him. A minute passed and I thought he walked away.

"My name is Kevin." I got up off of my bed not caring what I looked like I put my glasses on and opened the door.

He was the most good looking guy I have ever seen. I didn't care what he thought of me.

"Who forced you up here?" Instantly thinking it was my parents.

"No one did I just thought you needed a shoulder to cry on and tell someone your thoughts." I tried to close the door on kevin but he just caught the door before it closed.

"Who do you think you are?" I raised my voice at him.

"The alphas son!" I stopped for a second and gained control of myself before something bad happened.

"As you heard down stairs, I don't know what an alpha is or even a pack. I feel totally out of the loop. The loop that everyone else is on but me." I stepped back and just forgot about him. I slowly shuffled to my bed and heard him slowly walking behind me.

I sat on my bed and kevin just stood in front of me. I patted the space beside me so kevin didn't feel akward.

"Let's play 20 queastions?" I told him looking at his emitionless face. His eyes looked glazed over.

I nuged him, his gray eyes snapped to mine.

"What?" He asked still looking at me.

I sighed, "I said, let's play 20 questions."

He nodded and leand on his knees, his hands out in front of him and his back arched.

"Alright, I'll go first, why were you crying." I stiffened, then relaxed and sighed.

"I had to move away from my friends, I have to start over making new ones. That's not always fun to do," I looked over and he looked at me weird, "you know starting all over again." He nodded and waved his hand for me to continue.

"What's a pack?" I looked at him and his eyes glazed over again. He nodded and blinked, his eyes back to normal.

"Okay, well a pack is consisted of ranks that make the pack. The alpha and luna runs the pack. John is the alpha, and lucie is the luna. The betas are second in command, which are going to be your parents when john does this weird thing and it let's you and your parents into the pack. So you would be known as the betas daughter. Then you have the third in command which there job is to be there when the betas aren't suitable or not there to do there job." He looked over to me and he looked a little worried. I just waved him on to continue his answer.

He nodded, "then there are the worriers who fight for the pack. Then there are the omegas, the lowest of the ranks." I made a face when he talked about the omegas.

"What?" He asked.

"How does the pack treat these omegas?" I asked with my hand stroking my fake beard. Kevin gulped and looked away.

"Um, uh," I raised a brow at him, "we don't treat them the best."

"Until the pack treats the omegas like there real people, I'm not joining the pack!" I crossed my arms over my chest and looked away from him.

It was quiet for a minute, "okay, alpha john is okay with it but not your parents."

"I don't care what my parents want. I want to meet the omegas until then." Kevins eyes glazed over again and he was quiet.

"Okay they'll meet up with you tomorrow by the lake."

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