Not a normal bath

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(I'm sorry for this. someones is holding me at gunpoint to write this/j)

It had been a long day for Barry B Benson. Squirting out honey out all day must be hard (Idk what bees do💀)

When he got into his home, which was shaped like a honeycomb(Ofc), he started a bath but he didn't bathe in water. No no no he bathed in ✨milk✨like bees normally do. After the milk bath, he went to bed. 

The next day when he woke, it was time for work... again. 

-time skip because I'm very lazy-

Aftewr flyingh around for like what seemed to bee forever, he spotted a big red thingy. 

"What is it?" he asked himself out loud. When he got closer it was the very famous Kool-aid man. He was in shock. YOu see, Barry B. Benson was deeply in love with Kool-aid man. He fanboyed from afar but then

Kool-aid man lookwed at him....

Barry B. Benson x Kool-aid manWhere stories live. Discover now