Bussy holes and breakfast

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After berry b benshin and kool=aid man got done obbliterating each other's bussy holes, kook-aci man made breakfast for barry be bensond. it was pancocks with maple surepie. very yuumy yummy in his little bee tummy.

"Is it good baba boy?" Kool-aid man said as he sat down next to Berry B. Benson.

"yweah it is thathjk my uo,"

"It's np, mu love. I'll be right back. I'm goign to get the mail," 

Kool-aid man got up from the table and headed to the door. Once he reached the door, he opejed it. Something caught his attention. It was a piece of paper stabbed into a near by tree. The beverage became curious by this and walked over to it.

 He unstabbed the paper and started reading it

"Oh shit..........."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2022 ⏰

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