The letter

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After Kood-ail got home, he thought about all of the drama going on. It was like middle school all over again. 

He got done with the letter, he mailed it off. 

(a few days later) 

BArry b bank got a knock at his front door. He opened it and he saw a letter on his door mat. The bee opened it. 

"Dear Barry B. Benson,

I'm sorry about Sheonk. He a dickwad. I would never chose him ovbrer you. Plwase come back to me baby boy. I miss you and your honey *winky face*

           love, Kool-aid man"

Barry B bensin blushed at the liquid's sweet words. "he loves me? I'm coming look-qaid man!!"

the bee rushed out of his house.

Barry B. Benson x Kool-aid manWhere stories live. Discover now