Finding the bee

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Kool-aid man was determined to find his soon-to-be lover whom he didn't even know the name of.  

after walking around for a while he saw a beehive in a tree. He poked his eyeball in and saw b e e s. Boss man saw this strange eyeball and flew over to him. 

"Who are you and why are you that red?" Boss man asked.

"I'm looking for a bee."

"You didn't answer my question, dickhead. who. are. you. like what's your name."

"Oh, it's Kool-aid man. Can you help me find my one true love though?"

"What's their name?"

"Idk his name."

"What-? How do you love someone without knowing their name-?"

Kool-adi mam shrugged.

"Ugh. What does he look like then?" 

"Like a bee."

"This is a beehive. Everyone is a bee."

"Uhmm. he had like hair and a bee-colored skin on that was like a turtle neck."

"Oh, you mean Barry B. Benson. I'll send him out for you."



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Google agrees with me yet again

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Barry B. Benson x Kool-aid manWhere stories live. Discover now