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[Garima is always get what she wants.. But would she get this time? ]

"Good Morning, Garima" Priyanka greeted her best friend with a Hug.

"Good Morning, priyanka. You're early? " She countered her friend.

"I need to make sure that Raag was done doing what I am asked him to do, or else I will lock him in his lab" Priyanaka Countered.

"Ok! Ok! 😂.  I'll catch you up later,  I'm going to my class. See you later? " Priyanka and Garima parted ways and walked towards their respective  classrooms.  As Garima approached her usual seat in the classroom,  she noticed that it was occupied already by a tall handsome boy, besides him was a short handsome man and the two seemed to be occupied with what they were talking about. She approached the two people gave them her sweetest smile.

"Hi, I'm Garima Kaatelal Ruhail". She introduced herself.  The short handsome man smiled at her and introduced himself.

" Hi, I'm Pramod chautala, but you can call me Paro". He smiled at Garima.  "This is my best friend Agni. Agni Rajawat". He said to Garima.  The boy named Agni just started at Garima and gave her a quick nod before going back to that he was talking about with pramod.

Garima raised her eyebrow at him. Why didn't he say a word to me?

I'm sry. But I think you are in my unusual seat. I'd love to sit now, before the professor comes in.  She said in a nice voice. Agni just started at her for a fraction of second and raised his eyebrow.

"We were informed that this is a free sitting class. I don't know why you insist sitting here when someone else is it in already? " he asked while staring at Garima.

"Excuse me!" Garima said with shock in her expression.  " I was asking you nicely, but why you have to be rude? " She countered.

"I'm sorry. I was not rude. I was stating facts." Agni answered. Pramod saw the battle between them were having, Agni being all calm and informative, and Garima flexing her jaw in disbelief.  Pramod got up and got in between them.

"Sorry about that Garima, we'll just find another seat.  Sorry about this". He said apologetically and stared at Agni giving a signal that they should just switch seats. Agni nodded,  got up and walk away,  followed by pramod who gave a Garima last glance and an apologetic look.

Does he not know me? Garima said to
herself as she watched the two new people she met.  She considered talking to Agni to give him a sense of understanding that she, Garima Kaatelal Ruhail, doesn't go down without a fight even with a single seat.

"What, the hell, man. You really did that?". Pramod asked as they settle into the new seats that they picked, just a few seats away from their original position earlier.

" I did nothing " Agni said and went back to his book.  And if you like her,  ask her out already.  You are a loosing a game dude.  He teased Pramod.

"No, she is pretty, but really not my type. Besides we have to make sure that we finish this semester with a great goal.  Closer steps to our dream of being good cops." He said raising his hands with a fist bump.

"Yeah, dude,  you're right". He met Pramod hands and bumped his fist to his.

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