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Garima turned around and found the same creepy guy who was following him since High school.

"What do you want Vikram? "

"I just want us to be friends. seriously, why don't you want to be friends with me. " He answered while taking a step forward to Garima.

"You are a creepy guy. I had you on restraining order already. Don't you dare to take another step near me, or I'll make sure you wouldn't get away with it is this time." She answered sternly being cautious around her, making sure that there was a safe distance between them. She didn't notice that somebody just came into the scene.

"Hey, Ms. Ruhail. I've been looking all over for you. "

Garima turned around there she saw the person that she wanted to see the least.

"Agni? "

"Yeah, you ready to go home? This place is bit busted. Let's get you home before it's get late. " Agni said as he stepped near to Garima. "Is everything alright here? " Agni turned his head to Vikram.

"Everything is fine. I best be going. Goodbye Garima! Till next time. " He nodded gave them a creepy smile and left. When Garima glanced over to where Agni was, she saw Agni walking away already too.

"Hey, Rajawat, wait. "Garima ran after him. She didn't feel like calling Agni by his first name. They weren't there yet.

"Yup! Agni paused and looked at Garima"

"Thanks for what you did. And whatever that is." Garima said sheepishly flashing her sweet smile. Agni just nodded and walk away, giving Garima a finally smile.

That smile. Garima thought. I love that smile. What are you doing to me Agni Rajawat? You make my mind spinning.

The next day in college....

"What's gotten you on high feels today" Priyanka asked Garima.

"It's a who? I suppose? " Billy cat said.

"Shut up you two. I am in a good mood today, so if you don't mind, I'd like to keep it that way. " She jokingly glared at her friends. The two were baffled but just nodded their head away.

It was the time for her class and all Garima could think about always was the tall handsome boy who had saved her last night. She was so excited with seeing Agni that she rushed towards the Hall to her class. When she entered the room she found Agni on his usual seat, beside his best friend. She rushed towards where Agni was seated and greeted him.

"Hi Agni. " She greeted cheerfully. Agni gave her a confused look and Garima felt like Agni was not expecting her to approach them, but continued. "I just wanted to thank you again for last night. Here I brought you something, as a thanks of course nothing more. " She handed Agni a box of Samosa's that she made earlier.

"It's ok. Thank you. " Agni tooked the box and smile at her and going back to the book he was reading. Garima found this is an improvement with her relationship with Agni, if that's what you even call it.
At least where getting somewhere. Garima said to herself and back to her chair.

"Okay. So what was that?" Pramod asked Agni who seemed occupied to what he was reading.

"What, what? " Still scanning his book Agni answered and didn't gave his friend a side glance.

"That with the Ms. Ruhail. You saved her on something. "

"Yep, a creep was trying to do something to her. I was just in the right place at the right time. "

"Yeah. I guess so. Good thing though, at least you know have a heart." Teased Pramod.

"I have a heart. Just not for girls like her"
Agni said as he glanced over to where Garima was sitting and he was shocked
to see that Garima was also looking at him too and it had caught his off guard.

"What is there not to like about her? Look dude. She's totally pretty, looks smart, and it looks like she is into you." Pramod stated.

"Well, she's also a spoiled brat, as of what I have heard, and she is not my type. Besides, you know I'm not good with feelings. No offense. "

"Well, let's see about that buddy. By the way, don't forget we have training later. Boss doesn't want us to be late. "

"Yep, never would be. " He smiled at his friend and spared Garima once last glance before to his book as their Professor arrived.

One week later...

"Look like Garima here has got it to be bad

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"Look like Garima here has got it to be bad." Priyanka said.

"What? What was happening ?" Billy cat asked Priyanka looked at Garima who was currently glancing at Agni from across the open field. Agni was currently playing with Pramod and Raag.

"Garima is whipped " Priyanka whispered to her friend.

"I am not whipped." Garima caught that moment and turned to her friends who seemed to be enjoying talking about her.

"Well you are. Look at you. Tell me, do you like Rajawat? " Priyanka asked Garima who seemed to be in thoughts deep as the ocean.

"I.. I think.. I like him. " Garima said in a whisper.

"Woah. Big revelation" Billy cat said. But what makes Rajawat so special.

"It's the way he makes me feel.🥰" She said while looking still at the three friends from across the field."

"What? Makes you feel stupid? Garima, that boy doesn't even talk to you. Look, you have been giving his Samosa's for a week and he just takes them and smiles and then leave. He can't start a conversation with you." Priyanka said. She was not mad at Agni, she was just concerned that Garima would get hurt, going for someone clearly who doesn't like her.

"It's not that. When I see him, it's like, he doesn't really care about me. This is the first time that I have feel urge to make somebody mine." She said and looked at the grass. "You all know me , and he probably does too. I always get what I want, whether it's a thing or a person. But Agni, he is like, I can't get him to like me, and that makes him so damn likeable! He doesn't seem to be like other people who want me. He doesn't care who I am. I just want him to see me somebody more than what people say about me. I like so much. it's annoying that I can't help it. And believe it or not, I am getting tired of him not liking me. I must make a move. I am Garima Kaatelal Ruhail, and I get what I want" Garima said.

"Slow down. That was a big speech. Wow Rajawat has really caught you." Garima just nodded and smiled at her friends. This was going to be long ride, Rajawat. I'll make sure to make you mine.

"We'll help you, Garima" Billy Cat said and Priyanka smiled at her friend.


you don't like me, you like the idea of me being a challenge.. Agni said.

I never thought of you as a challenge for me, but if you say so then.... Challenge accepted.. Garima said.

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