chapter 1 I think

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Umm I guess people call people authors when they write a book so HI GUYS IM THE AUTHOR :D ( did I do that right?) And please GIVE ME YOUR FOOD YUMMY :D!!!!! By the way HOW THE HECK DID YOU DO THOSE COOL PICTURES DID YOU GUYS TAKE A PICTURE OF ME THATS WHY D: I wish I was you Lucky's..... Well always be happy so happy face time!!! :D :D :D
I was training with my COOLEST BROTHER EVER and I heard mom say my name.

"GOTEN GET INSIDE AND CLEAN YOUR ROOM ITS A MESS!!" she yelled. (That did happen in real life.)

"FINE I WILL!!!" I yelled back.

Sometimes mommy can be a hard women I hope daddy would come home I don't want to sit with mom all day (I hope mommy doesn't read this I really do D: ) when I was DONE CLEANING MY ROOM I finally went back to training which I really love with my BEST BROTHER EVER. Me and him been train since it turned after noon. We finally had food I WAS HAPPY AT THAT TIME. Then I closed my eyes slowly and was hoping dad would come home because like I said before I'm scared of mom ALOT.

Son-Goten and his best friend Trunks BriefsWhere stories live. Discover now