~Credits and Info~

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Hiii Everyone!

This is our very first wattpad story with friends! Hope you enjoy and please don't give mean comments. Comments and votes are appreciated <33

(Gxxa) [Main author]

Friends who helped with suggestions for the story:

Special Thanks:
(Lineyyy <33)

Enjoy! <33

(Gxxa wrote the info)

~Stella Melody M. Flammia~
She's the daughter of a slave, and she has never seen her mother. That was because, her mother died after a few days she gave birth to her. Her father has never mentioned why her mother died because the excuse he would always make is "Next time." She can't do anything about it because her father is the only one that knows but she'll find it eventually. In the planet she lives in or Vogsmine, the technology is very advanced. Everyone is smart, everyone is clever and wise. They could make highly advanced weapons if they intend to. But Stella doesn't need any of that. She has a weapon of her own, given to her at birth. But this weapon of hers, isn't an item. It flows through her blood, her soul, it flows through her.

~Liam Casimir L. Canis~
He's the one and only child of the Head General in Vogsmine. Unlike the others, he's highly developed. He's an expert around different kinds of military weapons, advance tanks, combat and he's great at reading people or he knows what one will do. To him, power is key. But once he meets Stella, that opinion will change. Talking about his family life, he also does not have a mother. She was assassinated by a rival of his father, which led him to join the military as well. His father wanted revenge, and so does he. Ever since his father became the Head General of Vogsmine, he rarely got any time to spend with him. Surprisingly, this motivated Liam to become just like his father. A cold hearted man, hungry for power and revenge.

~Abner L. Canis~
Head General of Vogsmine and the father of Liam Canis. But before all of that, he had a wonderful life with his wife. They both had a great relationship. It wasn't perfect, because they would fight sometimes but they would always make up. He thought his life was complete because of his wife, but it changed when their baby boy was born. He was delighted and over the moon, but he still specifically remembers that day. It was Liam's 3rd birthday, and they were at the park eating ice cream. Abner took Liam to a bathroom break, but when they came back his wife was already dead. This resulted to him becoming ruthless.

~Julio M. Flammia~
Father of Stella, and a slave in the royal palace. He's a tired man who wants to give his loved one a future. He wants nothing for himself because he's already spent half his life working under the royals'. He might not have any more chances, but his daughter does. He hides a very mysterious secret only his daughter and dead spouse knows. Aside from all the scrubbing and cleaning, he was a very different man back when he was younger. He knows why his wife died, but he wants to forget. A wall of guilt and anxiety would build up every time someone would ask him about her, or when he would remember her. It's a secret nobody will know.

~Lina K. Ramirez~
She's a sweet lovely girl, working in a cafe. She is soon going to be the owner of the place she works in, because her parents own it. She grew up with a lot of expectation and pressure, from people she knew especially her parents. Behind her gleeful smile, is a gloomy frown. Uneasiness is what she has felt her whole life, but she always chooses to hide this to prevent humiliation. Never in her life has she shown reality, but she wishes to be true someday. Art is her desire, but her parents refuse it because they also think power is key. Nobody ever believed in her, but that's where Stella steps in.

~William G. Trahford~
He's very fine, bestfriend of Liam and the lieutenant of Section-A. All in all, he would make the perfect high school heartthrob. He grew up with no parents, for he was an orphan. He did not know how to survive by himself, so he was thankful for Liam's mom who helped him. He was quite the opposite of Liam. Liam wasn't the type of person who craved for love while William was a playboy. He wanted attention, and he always got it. Ever since the woman who helped him died, he became depressed. He saw her as his own mother even if they weren't blood related. William started to get trained by Abner, and he joined the military too. Now fully gown up, he's a big flirt.

~Nathasia C. Clark~
She's a maiden, and the daughter of a Marquess. Her cousin Shantel, despises her and so does she. Nathasia hates it every time, her cousin tortures Stella. Stella and Nathasia have been friends since they were little girls. When she was staying at the royal palace, her uncle or the king introduced her to a sweet little girl to give her company. They were shy at first, and they had no interaction. But after a few minutes, Stella spoke. Ever since then, they became best friends. She has no love interest for anyone, but someone has an interest for her. She would turn down William's confession every time. She's just not ready for love, because of her past.

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