Chapter 1

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My Beloved or The World

~Chapter 1~ ~The Royal Ball~

(This chapter was written by Gxxa)

There was a royal occasion happening to welcome the newlywed king and queen. Everyone in the kingdom, including royals from other kingdoms were invited. It was a really busy event and everything had to be flawlessly perfect.

"Stella there's more to clean up in the ballroom!" Some maiden said. Stella kindly nodded and started to walk where the maiden advised her to clean. After hours and hours of cleaning, she had finally finished and took her break.

Entering her room, she notices her father sitting on his bed. They both shared a room with two beds.

"Papa are you ok?" Stella asked. Her father looked at her, and he replied with a kind smile. But pain and tiredness was evident in his eyes.

"We still have more work tomorrow Stella, let's rest." Her father said. And he lied down. Soon enough, snores were heard all around the room. She sighs and she did the same.

The sunlight beams through the clear white curtains, and it was morning. She looks at her father, but he wasn't on his bed. She supposed he already went to work, and he was busy doing something. She stood up, and got changed. After she had done that, she went downstairs and met the same maiden from yesterday.

"For today Stella, you're going to serve the food later evening. Greet everyone and properly. I don't want last year's mistake to happen again. Am I understood?" The grumpy maiden said. As for Stella, she only replied with a simple nod.

"Speak." The maiden rudely said. "Yes you are understood ma'am.." Stella continued. Her voice was low, but it was clear and understandable. The maiden parted ways with her, and Stella could only watch the maiden's presence disappear.

Since Stella didn't have to do anything because just like what the maiden said, she only had to greet and serve people. So she decided to spend her day in the town. Quickly changing from her work clothes, she decided to wear some normal attire. Finally ready, she went downstairs and left the castle. First, she started strolling through the road, passing different shops. She hasn't eaten breakfast yet, so she entered a small bakery. Making her way to the counter, a kind brunette-haired lady greeted her.

"Hi! My name is Lina what would be your order?" The waiter kindly asked. From what it looks like, she's a really joyful person.

"Hmm I'll have a chocolate filled croissant and a latte pls." Stella said. She knew a chocolate croissant wasn't the healthiest thing for breakfast, but her stomach was craving for it. The kind waiter nodded, and Stella took her seat, by the front. She could clearly see the view outside thanks to the large window in front of her.

After a few minutes of waiting, the same waitress from the counter served her food.

"Here you go miss, pls enjoy!" The waiter, or Lina kindly answered. Stella repaid the same warm kind smile the waiter has given her earlier. After exchanging smiles, the waiter walked back to the counter serving other people.

After taking multiple bites of her croissant, and several sips of her latte she had finally finished all her food and she placed the payment on the table, with a 10 dollar tip. She headed out of the small, yet wonderful cafe. She can definitely see herself coming back here.

After spending what seems to be only 2 hours, but was actually 5, Stella hurriedly made her way back to the castle. Once she had entered her room, her father was dressed in a gray suit topped of with black shiny leather shoes and he had his hair back. She felt joy seeing her father all dressed like this. He was always tired, his hair was messy, and he didn't care what he wore. It was always work work work. He did all that to gain money for the both of them, and to raise Stella properly without a mother.

"Oh hey Stella! How do I look?" Her father asked, while standing properly facing Stella.

"You look great papa." Stella said, with a smile after. While looking around, she notices a red dress plopped onto her bed. Her father noticed her staring at the dress confused.

"Oh that dress. The maiden that gives you orders handed me that earlier and told me to give it to you." Her father said. She approached the red dress, and it was now hanging in the air, because she was holding it. After examining it for a few seconds, a loud knock was heard in the other side of the door. Her father approached it, and she only looked at him opening the door facing the same maiden from earlier.

"Stella, it's almost time get dressed." The maiden said, while peeking beside Stella's father looking directly at her. Stella nodded, and the maiden walked away, ignoring the father. He gave Stella a look, before leaving the room as well. Stella changed into the new red sparkly dress, and she admitted, it was beautiful. It fit her perfectly like a piece puzzle, and it showed off her body well. She applied quick makeup and put on the jewelry given to her as well on her desk. After one last glance on herself in the mirror, she was confident and walked out.

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