Chapter 2

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My Beloved or The World

~Chapter 2~ ~The Day That They Meet~

(This chapter written by jayv_dj167 and Gxxa)

Once she walked out she sees a crowded ball room and she sees the queen and king chatting with the other queen and kings from other kingdoms. She saw a girl with a white sparkly dress.

"I wish I was like her with my beloved" She thought. Stella walks while starring at the beautiful woman dressed in a white sparkly dress. All of a sudden, she bumped into a hard broadened chest. She looks up, and she meets the dusky brown hued eyes of a man.

"Oh my goodness I am so sorry mister" Stella sincerely apologized, feeling quite embarrassed. She's only a servant yet she bumped into some stranger. What if he's someone important?

"Don't call me mister, call me Liam" the man responded. He seemed pretty chill with the incident, making her less worried. Maybe she won't get scolded by the maiden.

"Sorry mist- i mean sorry Liam." Stella responded, while scratching her nape. She felt embarrassed so she walks away, her face as red as a tomato. She won't deny, he looked superior.

After the demented moment, Stella focused and greeted people like what the maiden had said. One moment later, her father suddenly walks up to her saying "don't fall in love that fast with someone you have only just met." Stella responded "I'm not in love papa." She just felt a weird tingly sensation. Maybe it's what they call 'love at first sight'. Who knows?

Greeting some guests she comes across, she notices the same girl from the cafe... Lina. Stella approaches her, and Lina notices her as well.

"Hey you're the waitress at the cafe earlier, right?" Stella asked, while looking at Lina's brown dark orbs. Lina, also is looking into Stella's ocean-blue orbs. After a few seconds of Lina contemplating, she speaks up.

"Yes, and you're the girl who left the ten dollar tip?" Lina replied. Stella nods as her response, and Lina's confused expression turns into an excited one. She was happy to see Stella, and Stella felt the same. They had chemistry just when they met.

"My name is Stella." Of course, Stella sarcastically said. Lina wanted to ask for her name earlier, but she knew she still had much work to be done. So it's great they got to see each other again.

"I'm Lina, Lina Meryl." And, Lina said. Stella then offered her dominant hand for a shake, but Lina just stared at her with furrowed brows, creating wrinkles in between.

"Nobody handshakes unless you're making a deal in business." Lina said, and slightly chuckled after. "I prefer a simple smile. It's weird, but I find it friendlier and unique." She continued. Stella took her hand back, and she did what Lina asked. A simple smile.

They chatted, for a few minutes and they were having so much fun. Talking about their childhood, their dreams, some of their secrets, and a lot more.

"Lina!" Someone yelled. Their chat got interrupted, and she turned to see who yelled for her. Quickly recognizing it, she said her goodbye to Stella, and she ran off.

Stella, now completely alone no one to talk to, sat by one of the chairs and ate same food. She was hoping to find Liam again. Was it really love at first sight? She thought. It could've been just some weird sensation, but nonetheless her chances for love was low. She was poor, a daughter of a slave, and she was a slave herself. Surely no one would be interested, or so she thought..

Talking and eating by herself, she gets called by the maiden who gives her orders or Lady Shantel Indera soon to be Countess of Henmiro. Eyes roaming around the ball room, she spots the maiden and approaches her. Maneuvering herself through the crowd, the maiden's appearance gets clearer and clearer. After fighting with a swarm of people she meets the maiden, next to a guy with a bushy beard. He also had some gray-hued strands of hair, in some parts of his beard including his head. It was clear he was old. Yet, he still maintained his looks. Beside him, is a fine young man about the same age as Stella or maybe a year older.

"Stella, this is Head General Abner Canis." The maiden said, and looked at the guy with the bushy beard. Stella also stares at him, and his expression was serious. He stares at her as well, with bored eyes not showing interest whatsoever.

"And this is Captain Liam Canis, son of the head general." The maiden said, and Stella's gaze turns to Liam. Now she's surely dead. She bumped into him, he's some kind of captain with a high rank, and his father is the head general.

Before she could even respond, the maiden beat her to it.

"They will be staying here at the palace, and I want you to do everything they ask, say and please." She gulped, and nodded. Now, she's just standing there awkwardly, but thanks to a loud announcement bell everyone's gaze turned to the speaker. Thankfully, it also got the maiden, the head general and Liam's attention.

"Can we get a round of applause for the King and Queen?" The speaker asked. Right after he mentioned that, everyone cheered and applauded.

After celebrating for the new king and queen, Stella's laying down on her bed trying to figure out what'll happen now.

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