Chapter 4

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My Beloved or The World

~Chapter 4~ ~Her first order~

(This chapter was made by Gxxa)

Stella woke up to an earthquake. Not literally, her father was strongly shaking her and this resulted to her awakening. She stood up, and she walked towards their window. Apparently, she's been asleep longer than when she normally wakes up. It was probably from the stress and trauma last night. She quickly got dressed, and she skipped breakfast. When she was done, a loud knock was heard from the other side of the door. Stella's father or Julio, opened it. Once he had done so, it revealed a beautiful girl dressed in a swampy-green hued dress, and it ended just above the knee. The collar part of the dress, had lace with the hue of white. It looked like a coat dress, but it managed to look posh. On her head, was two golden hair clips. One had pearls, while the other one looked like a bobby pin. Her hair was in an updo but she had a few strands of hair hanging beside her cheeks, probably for style.

"Good morning Mister Flammia." Nathasia said with a smile. Then, she bowed. She was taught to have proper etiquette, around all people and not just only those with high status. That's life when you're a noble.

"Good morning Lady Nathasia, pls don't bow. I'm not of high status." Julio said, while trying to dismiss her formality. And so, she stood up straight but she had already bowed so her act can't be dismissed anymore. He stepped aside, giving room for Nathasia to enter. Once she enters, her eyes lock into the orbs of Stella's. Then, they both walked out the room. When their distance from the room was far, Nathasia decided to say the news.

"Stella, Liam's looking for you." She said. Stella's orbs were looking in front of her, but it shifted to Nathasia when she had said that. "Where is he?" Stella asked, while walking. "I'll take you to him. I don't trust him with you alone." Nathasia replied, and Stella could only nod. She doesn't trust him with Stella because he's rude and judgmental. He doesn't care about anyone or anything. If anyone dared talking to him, he would just ignore it. It would feel like Halloween if you were to talk to him. Scary...

Nathasia stopped walking, and Stella did too. Stella was confused with this sudden action, but that was until she saw a man facing the other direction. They couldn't see his face, but judging with Nathasia's stare and change of act, it's clear that it's Liam. When he noticed them, he turned around. His eyes had no glee, and his mouth was in a straight line. Nathasia walked closer to him, and she said something, but Stella couldn't hear it. After she was done, he just rolled his eyes. Nathasia walked back to Stella, and she held her shoulder to show reassurance before walking away.

"Stella, right?" He asked, coldly. Stella nodded, and he clicked his tongue in annoyance. Stella got shocked and she started to get very nervous. What did she do wrong?

"Words. You have a mouth so use it." He coldly said. He's worse than Lady Shantel. "Yes, it's Stella..." She responded, with a bit of worry. Who knows what he'll do if she disappoints him? After all, he has full authority over Stella now that Lady Shantel gave her up. As much as it sounds messed up, no one can do anything. Stella was assigned to do everything Lady Shantel says, and she gave it up to Liam.

About his father, Abner wanted nobody to assist him for he likes to do stuff alone. So Stella, doesn't have to do anything he says. He's a very mysterious and secretive guy, so he most certainly does not want someone's nose in his business. His trust issues began after his wife died, and most people are nosy anyways.

"I want you to get out of my way as much as possible. Got it? I don't like people who swarm like bees. Do everything I say, with no objections or questions. I don't like loud mouths, and the answer no. You may not come in my room, unless you are told. I'll ring you up if I need anything. Always use your mouth when answering, and never with body language. Always prepare coffee, when I come back from work. I want it hot and strong. No sweeteners, just plain black coffee. And most importantly, don't ask me questions about my past. Break any of the things I said, you'll be living in isolation working everyday." He said, and this made Stella nervous. Extremely nervous. She didn't want to live far away from her father. She didn't want to die working for the rest of her life. Nobody does...

"Yes, Liam." Stella said, trying not to stutter. She won't get in trouble if she follows the rules. She just needs to follow the simple rules. After her response, he stared at her for a brief moment, before walking away. Since she already talked with Liam, she needed something to do. She was thinking of stuff to do, then she remembered Lina.

"Let's visit Lina at the cafe." She thought. And so, she did. She didn't bother changing, because her work clothes were posh. It was a gray hued dress ending lower than the knee, and it had long sleeves completely covering the arms. At the wrist part of the sleeves, it had a white lace flower design. On the collar part of the dress, it also had lace with the hue of white. Just below it, was a black bow, but it looked like an 'x' and in between, was a white pearl. It was made especially for her, thanks to Nathasia. She had matching shoes, which had the hue of gray with black ribbons that looked like an 'x' under the pointy part of the flats. Stella was fairly tall, so she wears flat shoes. And her hair was in a simple ponytail.

Now, she's walking through the town, passing different types of shops with different products like clothes, food, jewelries, gadgets and so much more. She didn't forget where the bakery was, but she can't seem to spot it in the town. But thankfully, she found it.

Entering inside, there's more people packed. Lina was nowhere to be found, so she went to the counter to maybe spot her, but she was not there. It was a different person, so Stella thought it might be Lina's day off. She's already in the cafe, might as well order something. After all, the food here is delicious. She stood by the line, and waited. Not long, it was her turn to order.

"Hello, what would you like?" The waiter asked. She was joyful, but it looked forced. Her fake smile says it all, along with her eyes that had no glee in them. It looked like she didn't care deep inside. Stella looked at the menu above the counter, and she immediately knew what she wanted.

"Hmm I'll have cinnamon rolls, and coffee." Stella said. She hasn't eaten breakfast yet, and since she doesn't have any orders from Liam, she might as well eat.

"Okay, your order will be with you shortly." The waiter said, and Stella got out of the line. She found a seat by the front, like before. She put her arm on the table and she rested her chin on her palm. She waited for a few minutes, and the same girl served her. Oh how she wished it was Lina. She finished her stuff, and left. When she got back to the castle, her phone began to ring. She checked and it was Liam. Let's see what her first task is. She hurriedly went upstairs, to not disappoint him, and she knocked on the door letting him know she's there. When she heard a small hum, she entered. She never got to see a glimpse of his room before, because William never let her in. It's probably like all the others rooms in the castle. Wooden-like walls, simple white canopy bed, a small study table, two simple white lamps, a carpet with a vintage design, matching wooden drawers holding the lamps, a wooden closet and a small window. The planet might be advanced, but the castle is still traditional.

Stella thought that his room would be the same just like the others, but it wasn't. This room, was painted with the hue of black. Black bed, black carpet, black pillows, black everything. It looked very depressing and horror. Not to mention, the closed up curtains only letting little light inside which made the room dim.

"Is he some kind of bat?" She thought, but she couldn't say it. He would get offended and she would live in isolation working everyday. She can only judge him through her mind.

"Liam, what do you need?" Stella asked, not wanting for him to wait any longer. "Pack me stuff. I'm going somewhere." He said, and he stood up. Stella watched him walk to his closet, grabbing an empty bag and throwing it onto his bed. "Okay." She responded, and she took the bag.

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