Wiki? What's that?

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AN: Some Characters may be OOC. You can encounter some typographical errors or wrong grammars so deal with me since English is not my first language ^_^

TBOAH : After the Plaza Terror Incident
TOCF : After Cale got water AP

"Cale" Character/s talking.
'Cale' Characters talking in their mind.
[Cale] Scenes/ Chapters shown from the Novel.
"Cale" Nyx/ talking/system warning people.
'Cale' Nyx/someone talking to character's in their mind.

(I updated this so that we wont be confused including me LMAO, hope you enjoy today's chapter!)

This chapter is dedicated to ReadingCalesaylaaqila and CookieBunnyLove who suggested our wiki reaction for today. Again thank you for the suggestions guys!


"Hello! I'm back— oh, I see you've already found my board games," Nyx exclaimed with a surprised expression as she noticed the two Cale's playing chess alongside Lee Soo Hyuk and Kim Rok Soo, with Choi Jung Soo as their scorer, as well as other people playing chess, monopoly, scrabbles, snake and ladders, jengga, uno, and so on.

No one responded or even looked at her. After being ignored, Nyx pouted and just played with Maya, grumbling and saying, 'No one loves me:('

When she noticed that the villains were not present, she thought that this must be the reason why the room was peaceful as compared to before, but she still can't help but look for them.

Then she heard a loud explosion coming from the training room. She nodded, knowing it had to be them, and shrugged her shoulders, not bothering to intervene in their fight.

It's not like she cares if they kill each other or not. In fact, it would be great if they were to kill each other so that both worlds could be peaceful. She nodded as she pondered her thoughts.

When she got bored watching them play, she decided to talk.

"Alright guys, I know you're enjoying your time playing right now, but break's over and now is the time to react, so get your asses off the floor and go to your respective sits!" Nyx exclaimed, making them grumble in annoyance at being disturbed, but they had no choice but to comply.

When everyone was in their respective seats, she stood up and went to the training room to find the villains, despite the fact that it was against her will, while ignoring the grumpy faces in the room.

The moment she opened the door, a freaking thunderstorm almost hit her, and if it hadn't been for her quick reflexes, which created a protective barrier using her powers, she would have looked like a grilled chicken, which made her blood boil.

"You freaking villains stop this in an instant and fix yourselves! you all look like a monkey!" She exclaimed, annoyed that the hem of her favorite dress got caught up by the thunderstorm and burned.

"I'm giving you 10 minutes to do so, or else you'll have the honor of being tortured by this Goddess," she added, with a smile that even Zeus, God of the Sky, feared.
They all shivered before hurrying to the restroom to fix themselves.

Nyx also went to her room and changed her ruined clothes, while TBOAH and TCF people who witnessed what happened chose to remain silent.

They were just glad they didn't irritate her and made a mental note not to annoy her in the future. Ever.

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