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Reader is 16 and surprises Lizzie

Reader and Lizzie are quarantining together since they are filming together

It's also winter



*Y/n pov*

Lizzie has been really stressed lately about covid and all these new rules while filming and the lockdown getting put in place....just life in general really so I've decided I'm going to make her favourite meal using some fresh veggies from our little garden, make her a hot coco, and get some blankets and her favourite movies ready for when she gets home later today

Robbie had to stay back in LA when we came here and then well the lockdown happened so we've been stuck here and she hasn't seen him in person for a while and really misses him

So me being the amazing person I am called Robbie and planned a little facetime date for tomorrow ill just catch up on my online schooling while that happens... or maybe go get some food since we need some? I don't know yet anyways

It's currently 3:07pm so I've started dinner because she will be back at around 5ish because that's when the meeting ends in was the first in-person meeting since the lockdown was put into place

I turned on some music while I cooked singing and dancing like a crazy person

While the food cooked I made sure to turn the burner down a little before going to get blankets from the closet and placing them on the couch then grabbing the remote and putting on Netflix and going to the search before searching up her favourite movie

Once the living room was all set up I went back to the kitchen checking on the food before I turned off my loud music and switched it to my calm song Playlist that Lizzie loves

*time skip to her almost being home*

It was now 4:55pm and Lizzie texted me 5 minutes ago saying she 10 minutes away so I quickly set the table and placed the food on the plates and grabbed the wine...not for me but for lizzie...I'm drinking water *sigh* just as I finished getting everything ready I heard the door open

"Hey n/n I'm home" I heard lizzie say sweetly

"Hey" I say making my way to the door

I gave her a big hug which she gladly accepted

"Okay I need you to close your eyes" I smile

"Why?" She asks

"Just do it" I say smiling

She looks at me before slowly sighing and closing her eyes

"Okay good good now I'm going to lead you somewhere don't worry I won't walk you into a wall" I laugh making her laugh as well

"Okay so I know it's been really stressful lately so I wanted to help out"

As we got closer to the kitchen you could hear the soft music

I saw Lizzie's shoulders relax and smiled to myself

"What smells so good?" She asks

"You'll see...okayyy and open your eyes" I say

She opened her eyes and they became wide as she saw what was infront of her

"You did all this?" She asks turning to me

"Mhm your cooking lessons came in handy" my smile fades when I see a frown on her face

"What's wrong? Do you not like it?" I quickly ask

"What no no I love it I just can't believe you did this" she says pulling me into a hug

"Well you've been working hard and life has just been stressful lately so I thought I'd help out even if it's only a little"

"Well I'm very thankful" she says placing a kiss on my forehead

"Now come on I want to try your delicious meal" she says walking over to the table

"Mmmmm" she hums in delight

"This is so good n/n" she smiles

The rest of the meal was spent with us laugh and just talking

Once we were done I grabbed our dishes and put them into the dishwasher before turning to the kettle and turning it on

"Okay so that wasn't it" I smile

"What? Y/n you did more?"

"Yes?" I say with a sheepish smile

"What else did you do?"

Instead of speaking I grabbed her hand and lead her to living room

"I thought we could watch some of your favourite movies" I say shyly

"Awww y/n you're to sweet" she coos while pulling me into a hug

"Anddd I'm making hot coco" I say

"Your hot coco is the best" she laughs

"I know" I state proudly

We went back into the kitchen and I quickly made us hot coco before going back to the living room and getting all settled and comfy

Me and lizzie we all cuddle up under the blanket

Lizzie had her arm around my shoulder while I rested my head on her shoulder

Once we were all comfy and ready we started the movie

"OH I also forgot tk mention that there's one more surprise" I say looking up at her

"Y/n I don't need anymore surprises you've already done so many amazing things"

"I know i know anyways I talked to Robbie and you and him have a facetime date planned for tomorrow afternoon I shall be in my room catching up on school work" I say watching for her reaction

She looked at me with glossy eyes

"I don't deserve you" she says kissing my forehead

"I think it's the other way I know how much you miss Robbie and he's the same way..I know it's the not same as seeing him in person but-"

"No its amazing sweetheart thank you"

She pulled my closer to her as we focused back on the movie

The rest of the night was spent with us watching movies cuddled up on the couch before eventually falling asleep on the couch


Words ~ 1014

Sorry I didn't post this sooner but I got off work 2 hours ago and then I had to do some school work

Comment of dm request if you have any

I know last time I said I was working on a request but I haven't finished it yet because I've been busy 😔



Love you all

Until next time :)

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