I dont wike it (request)

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Request ~ Bucketbarnes81

Reader ~ 7

Reader draws something for the cast

Set in the age of ultron filming time

Kinda short

*Chris's.E pov*

Me and the rest of the group were watching y/n for a couple hours because their mom had to go to a meeting

After convincing m/n that we'd be fine she finally gave in a went to her meeting leaving us with a bored 7 year old

"Hey Kid what do you wanna do?" I ask sitting down beside them and the rest of the cast

"I don't know...could we colour?" They ask shyly

"Of course we can" Hemsworth blurts out before getting up to find some paper and crayons

Robert and Scarlett went and helped look as the rest of us moved to the area with tables

Once they came back with the supplies we all started to grab what we needed before starting to draw

"Whatch gonna draw kiddo?" Rob asks y/n

"Its a surpwise" they said adorably

Y/n made sure to hide their drawing with their hand or another piece of paper to keep us from peaking

Aaron and Jeremy started arguing over something causing me to look at them

"Hey I grabbed the Green one first" Renner scolds

"But you weren't using it and I needed it" Aaron defends himself

"But I was about to" Renner frowns

"Boys Boys no need to fight there are more grween crayons" y/n said reaching their tiny little hand across the table to where another green crayon sat unused

"You guys just got told off by a 7 year old how you feeling?" Rob asks with laugh

They huff before turning to a cute little y/n

"Here you go" y/n smiles causing all of us to smile

We continued to colour while asking y/n some questions about their drawing

Everytime we received a 'wait and see'

Rob was drawing a iron man suit, Jeremy was drawing a field with a pond and sun, Aaron was drawing a tree, Scarlett and lizzie were both working on a field filled with flowers, Mark was drawing some kind of animal, Hemsworth was drawing well I don't really know what he's trying to draw and well no one knows what y/n drawing

After 10 more minutes y/n slams their hands down on the table causing some of us to jump

"Sorry" they giggle causing us to smile

"I'm done" they say with a smile on their face

"Let see it kid" Downey smiles as we wait to see the drawing

"Let see it kid" Downey smiles as we wait to see the drawing

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(Plus Wanda, Pietro, and y/c/n)

"Its a family portrait" y/n beams making our hearts melt

"Do you guys like it?" They ask shyly

"I don't wike it, I love it" I beam

"Its amazing kiddo" Hemsworth says with a smile

We all say how amazing it is and give y/n a hug

They are so adorable and draw pretty good for a 7 year old

"We weren't in this movie" Aaron asks slightly confused

"I know but this was like a really good scene and so I added you guys too because your really cool and like my family also" they say with a smile causing all of our hearts to melt a little more

"You my dear are just too cute" lizzie says giving them a big hug

We all ended up joing the hug creating a big group hug before pulling apart and deciding to play a game until m/n got back


Words ~ 588

Hey lovelys sorry it was shorter then usual

Thank you so much for the request sorry it took a little bit to write it I've been so busy and I've gotten quiet a few request sent that I was working on all at once

As usual I'd you have a request dm or comment

Love you all

Until next time :)

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