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Chapter 1

'It's so loud and packed!' Haruka thought to herself. She did dearly love her friend Tomo, so that's why she found herself in her current predicament.

Tomo has somehow scored two P1 soundcheck tickets for a famous KPop groups Tokyo concert. She had to admit to herself that even though she was Starish's composer, she had even heard of BTS and secretly followed their work. She admired that most of their music was something that they actively took part in and she could understand their feelings through their music.

"Haruka, it's almost time for them to come out! I'm so excited!" Tomo exclaimed, jarring Haruka from her thoughts.
"Oh really?! I'm getting excited too!"

Both girls turned toward the stage as the beginning of Not Today started playing and the thin stage curtain dropped to the floor. The crowd really started screaming as the group's stage platforms decended.

Haruka would admit to herself that watching their dance moves and hearing their voices left her in awe of the foreign group.

Suddenly Haruka felt someone bump into her from behind "Oh, excuse me!" Said Haruka as the other girl said "Forgive me! I didn't mean to bump into you!" They both looked at each other and laughed. "It's quite alright." Said the ginger haired girl to Haruka. "By the way my name is Kyoko Mogami" "Oh it's nice to meet you my name is Haruka Nanami." Replied the rosette.

"So are you a fan of BTS?" Asked Kyoko. Haruka blushes a bit and nodded her head. "I'm actually just really starting to get into them. I ended up being brought by my friend Tomo tonight."

"Really? My friend Kanae brought me with her." Replied Kyoko with a laugh. "Kyoko! Where did you go?" Suddenly asked a tall dark headed girl. "MOKO, I'm so sorry!! I got lost in the crownd during the excitement, but I made a new friend. Meet Haruka Nanami." Replied Kyoko with starry eyed excitement.

'New friend?' Thought Haruka with a small laugh in her head. Just as she was about to answer in the positive.. "Haruka!! Where did you go? Did you get lost again in the crowd?" Asked her red headed friend. "Ah, Tomo I'm sorry! I got kinda lost in the excitement of the crowd, and met a new friend." Haruka replies with light laughter.

"Hello Ms Tomo, my name is Kyoko Mogami and this is my best friend Kanae." Kyoko suddenly added.

"Pleased to meet you and thank you for looking after Haruka. She can sometimes get a bit lost." Joked Tomo. "Likewise to you as well!" Said Kanae from behind Kyoko.

"Hey, I have an idea Haruka, why don't we invite them back to the dorms for the after concert party we were planning?" Asked Tomo with a glitter in her eyes. "REALLY?!!!" Asked Kyoko "MOKO let's go with them after! Please!!" The ginger haired girl asked her dark headed friend with a puppy dog expression. Kanae looked a bit put out at her best friend's expression. "Mo, I don't see why not." She agreed. "That's wonderful!" Said Haruka excitedly.

All the sudden all four girls heard the beginning of one of their favorite BTS solos. The group's youngest, Jungkook, was on stage beginning his solo number Begin.

"KYAA!" All four girls squealed at the same time.

After the excitement of that stage performance, the girls all decided to stay in the group they had made to enjoy the rest of BTS's concert.

Afterwards as they were all filing out Kanae and Kyoko joined Haruka and Tomo in their vehicle on the way back to Haruka's dorm room at the master course.

None of the four knew the events their unplanned meeting would set in motion.

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