Accidental Seductions

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Chapter 5.

This story is taking turns that I didn't anticipate, but I'm just going to go with the flow.

I own nothing but the story line.
All charters from Uta No Prince Sama and Skip Beat are all owned by their various creators. BTS is owned by themselves and Big Hit.
Nor do I own YouTube, Spotify, or any media presented and owned by either.
I only use them for entertainment purposes

(Same Night)

The men were all leaving the office, still in contemplation at the thought of an agreement.

"So..... how do we..." Syo started to ask, but didn't know how to finish.

Natsuki decided to finally voice his own thoughts. "I do believe that if we all love Haru-Chan, then perhaps an... agreement can be found. I know that I love her deeply. Now that the President has abolished the 'No-Love' rule, I plan to purse her with my whole being. I know all of you will as well."

Tokiya nodded in agreement and said. "Just because we are allowed to openly love her now does not mean we should push her. Nanami-San will need to adjust to the idea. Until she can be more comfortable with the all of this, we must do our best to ease her gently into our feelings. Her own feelings must be in a torrent now. We must put her first through this all." He finished with a deep sigh thinking about the situation ahead. As the others nodded in agreement.

"We should all become more comfortable with the idea of being able to be open with her as well. As Ichinose said we must do this gently. Nanami-San is a woman of deep emotion. We must all remember to treat her with the respect and devotion she deserves. Remember she is a person, not a prize....That being said we should try to remember to resolve any issues we have with the situation, between us as men, and not drag her into it. That could turn out very badly." Masato said sagely. In truth, he still wasn't exactly comfortable with the ideas proposed earlier, but for Haruka.... he could get used to it.

The dark headed actor, Ren, decided to offer some advice to his younger...friends. 'Huh, I guess we are becoming friends now' he thought.

"I'm going to give you all some advice, as a man and friend who's been in love for a while, and been trying to win Kyoko's heart. Nanami-San seems to be a lot like her, so perhaps something I say may help...." he paused seeing he had attention of all 11 men involved. "The first step to making her comfortable with you is just to be there to listen. I know you all probably think you've done this, but it's time to really step it up. Let her know she can always come to you about anything, for any reason. Secondly, you do need to break down the wall of formality most of you still have. Most of you still call her by her last name, but a woman needs to feel comfortable calling you by your first name. Slowly start using her name, get her used to hearing you call her that way. Start setting up a familiar atmosphere. Although your situation is... unique.. do not let jealousy get the better of any of you. If you are really set on doing the best for her, or being with her all at the same time, then you will all have to become comfortable with each of the others spending time with, and perhaps some day touching her. You don't know how her heart may direct her in the end. I want you all prepared for that." He finally ended.

"Ara, but don't you still call Mogami-San by her last name Ren-senpai? She also calls you by the same." Otoya questioned innocently.

The actor twitched yet again at the reminder.

"Yes, you're right. I'll have to take my own advice and fix that won't I?" He answers.

All of Haruka's would be suitors glanced at each other. None could fault Ren's reasoning. In that moment, they all realized that any decision made would be a make or break turning point.

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