Akward Moments

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Chapter 4

I own nothing but the story line.
All charters from Uta No Prince Sama and Skip Beat are all owned by their various creators.  BTS is owned by themselves and Big Hit.
I only use them for entertainment purposes


Back in Haruka's room

Haruka had finally reached her dorm room after her mad dash from the awkwardness downstairs.

'Sigh' 'What has gotten into me lately? I usually don't get distracted by things like this'

Haruka was preparing to open the door and go in, but paused at the conversation she over heard.

".....so all 20 of them are in love with her?!  Oh my, Haruka has it rough."

'That was Kyoko's voice! Wait are they talking about me? 20?' Haruka questioned in her mind.

"Yes, unfortunately with our company's 'No-Love' rule, none of the poor men have been able to really pursue her. I don't even know if she realizes it, but I'm sure she's falling in love with at least one, if not a few more...." said Tomo from inside the room.

Haruka was frozen in place and didn't hear the rest of Tomo's words as the glasses slipped from her fingers.


Running was heard from the other side of the door as it was slung open by Tomo, with Kanae and Kyoko not far behind.

'Well damn' thought Kanae when they spotted Haruka.

"Haruka...? Are you ok?" Asked Kyoko in a gentle voice. She may have not know Haruka very long, but her heart went out to her new ginger haired friend. She wished they had heard Haruka's arrival so that she didn't have to hear the situation this way.

"Haruka, I'm sorry! I shouldn't have said anything. I was hoping to explai..." Tomo tried to finish, but Haruka just shook her head.

"Is it true? Is what you said really true?" Haruka said almost nervously.

Tomo looked to Kanae and Kyoko for help.

"Haruka, we haven't know you and the guys as long as Tomo has, but we were able to see that they do hold feelings for you. We're sorry we discussed this without you here, but Kyoko was worried about Fuwa trying something sneaky, and Tomo decided it'd be best if she knew that you were well protected already." Kanae said.

Haruka just nodded.

"I always thought that the guys were just being nice, or friendly all this time. I figured with the 'No-Love' rule, no matter how much my heart may have pulled to any of them, they'd always just see me as their composer.." Haruka said with a frown. "Wait you said 20? I need to know who all is this 20... I can figure out 11 or 12, but the rest is a mystery."

"Come on inside the room, we'll clean up the glass in a minute. It looks like it's time to talk." Tomo said with a sad expression.

With that Haruka nodded and walked in, closing the door behind her.


"So what are we going to do about this situation we all seem to be in?" Ranmaru spoke up after the TV had been shut off.

All the men in the room seemed to think for a moment.

"The first issue at hand isn't pursuing Nanami, it's the president's 'No-Love'....."
Masato was cut off with a CRASH from upstairs.

All the singers, the actor, and manager looked alarmed at the noise.

They all quickly gathered together and headed to the sound.

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