Chapter 1: A New Life

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3rd POV

-7:00 am-

Darryl woke up to a sound of an annoying beeping. As he struggled to turn off his alarm on his phone, with his eyes closed, he fell off the bed. Groaning in pain he opened his eyes and got off the floor to turn off his phone.

As he opened his eyes he was in confusion. This wasn't his room. That's when he remembered he had moved in last week. He wasn't used to his new room yet but he will have to get used to it.

His grandma had passed away recently. She was the nicest lady you would ever meet. She was the nicest towards Darryl. You see Darryl was different. In a good way you could say. He liked to dress in skirts and dresses. He found it to be a way to express himself and very comforting. Because of this he would get picked on. He was bullied but it wasn't anything to bad. It was just a lot of laughing at and name calling, including the names "girly girl" and "pink princess", nothing to bad.

His family was abusive towards him. We won't get into that yet, but the only person who wasn't was his grandmother. She was so nice and very supported of his decisions. She taught Darryl how to bake, his favorite recipe were muffins, and even got him a few outfits. The most memorable thing she got him was a cute little white fluffy dog. Her name was Lucy but Darryl gave her the nickname rat. It was very heartbreaking for the family to have lost such an amazing person. She passed three months ago due to a heart attack.

The whole family was very sad, but Darryl was even more sad knowing that the only nice person to show him love passed. He had cried for weeks. His parents and grandfather blamed him for the death of his grandmother. It just got worse since the death.

He is now in a new town, in a new home, in a new school and he knew it was just gonna get worse.

Darryl walked towards his closet and picked his clothes for his first day of school. He was excited but admitted that he was very nervous. He wanted to make friends but was afraid of being picked on again.

He chose a turquoise hoodie with a white skirt and white thigh high socks. He went to the restroom to change, brush his teeth, and brush his hair.

When he came out he rushed down stairs. He walked through the house to head to the kitchen. The house was pretty messy and it smelled. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed a muffin and started munching on it. She then heard little foot steps behind him. He saw a his tiny little rat running towards him.

Darryl bent down and rat gave him little kisses on his face. Darryl made his way towards the cabinet and grabbed Lucy's food. He poured some water and food into her two dog bowls. He gave her a little pat and made his way back upstairs.

His parents and grandfather weren't home so he wasn't going to be bothered. He pushed open his door, which was a little bit opened already, and walked inside to get his stuff. He walked towards his desk and turned on his phone. It was currently 7:30 and school started at 8:30. He stuffed his phone in his pocket, grabbed some papers of where his classes were off his desk and shoved them in his backpack. He zipped the bag and threw the backpack on his back.

He made his way out of his bedroom and back downstairs. He waved to rat and pat her head.

Darryl- Bye bye rat, see you after school.

He put one some black converse shoes that were on a show rack. Darryl opened his front door and checked his pocket one last time to see if his house keys and phone was there. Once he was content knowing he had them he went out the door, closed it, and locked it. It was 7:45 and the walk to school was only 5 minutes. Darryl took big breath in and out. Today was going to be a long day.

So this is my first fanfic and sorry if it's bad. There might be some grammar error too. Anyways I'll try to update as much as I can. Also I wanna credit iiMae_chanxD and short_jelly for inspiring me to make stories. I got my motivation from them so please read their stories. Anyways please eat, drink water, sleep, and talk to someone if you need to. You are loved and cared for, and you can message me if you need to. I will be happy to be your friend or listen to you. Anyways bye guys love you :3

The School's Weird Kid (skephalo) ( On Hold) Where stories live. Discover now