3. Midnight snack

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It was 2:30 am and I had been woken up by the noise of my rumbling stomach . I hadn't eaten since 7 pm and I began feeling the hunger kick in.

I was laying in bed staring at the ceiling. Still hungry. Very hungry actually. But I knew if I moved I would wake my girlfriend up. I turned my head towards her. Florence is such a pretty sleeper. She always denies it when I say it, but I know it's true.

I was starting to get real hungry now so I knew I had to go get something to eat. I began moving my body slowly. Not leaving my eyes of Flo. I eventually got in a sit up position. I gave one last look at Flo before I got up on my feet. I was now standing at the bedside. Our bedroom door was luckily open so I didn't have to worry about making noise opening it up. I felt like a secret spy. Carefully moving my feet across the bedroom floor and over too the door opening.

I got out of our bedroom without waking her up. I began walking normally now since I was out of Florence's sight. I got to the stairs and-

"SHITT" I yelled quickly covering my mouth remembering that Florence was sleeping. Why did I have to stub my toe now? It hurt like hell. I looked back at our bedroom. No noise. I sighed relieved that I didn't wake her. After a while I got my shit together and went down the stairs.

I finally reached the kitchen, it felt like I woke up hours ago. I began feeling tired again, but I hadn't gotten all the way down here just so I could fall asleep again. I was determinant to finish of my mission. To eat. I looked through the pantry. I found a pack of ramen. I grabbed it and started to boil some water. My eyelids started giving up on me, but I was not letting them win.

The water was now done boiling so I put the it in my ramen cup. I sat down on one of the breakfast bar stools. I was so tired. I took one bite of ramen, then my eyelids won.

———-Time skip——-

"Y/n! Y/n! Wake up" I was woken up by a hand dodging my shoulder.

"Ramen......noodles" I mumbled not really out of my sleep.

"Sweetheart wake up" I began lifting my head up from the counter. I turned my head towards the voice. My eyes were barely open. I was so confused of who I was and where I were.

"Where am I?" I asked visually tired.

"Sleeping on the breakfast bar" I was now starting to gain consciousness.

"Oh yeah I remember now" I said looking up at Florence slightly giggling.

"What time is it?" I asked as I had noticed it was light outside.

"9 am" she said giggling.
"How long have you slept here?"

"Ummmmmm 6 hours I think, my back hurts" I said giving Flo a tired smile.
"I got hungry" I said pointing to the ramen noodles.

"You are so silly" she said kissing my head.

I told Florence the whole story of how I got out of bed. The murder of my toe and the one bite of noodles I got for it.

A/n: This was just a quick idea I got from eating ramen noodles hehehe. Hope you enjoyed :)

Florence Pugh One Shots ~Florence Pugh x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now