Learning? GROSS!

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We all hate it. And if you dont, you're just weird. Sure some parts are good, but it mostly sucks ass. You have to listen to crap you dont care about, do things you dont want to do, and be around people you hate. 

Guessed it yet?


Ah, the place where your dreams are crushed, smells like BO constantly, and where the food gives you stomach aches. 


Teachers: Some teachers are great. They understand you, teach well, and make a boring experience more fun. I once had a teacher that acted like a second mother to me. I looked forwards tot her classes and she made all of them fun. 

Some teachers on the other hand, suck. They cant teach, they just sit there and talk about shit. Sometimes they dont even understand what they're trying to teach us and just give us worksheets to make it seem like they know what they're doing. A teacher I currently have, is bonkers. Shes a math teacher, and is dyslexic....Seriously? She gets the answers wrong when explaining it to us, and then slaps herself. No joke. Then she'll sing a song about math if you get an answer wrong. Seriously, I'm not making this up. 

Gym: Personally, I hate gym. Maybe thats because I cant catch a ball to save my life though. Or throw. Or kick. Or anything. I just cant do it. I get picked last for teams everytime, which gets pretty humiliating after a bit. And before the game even starts, I tell people not to pass the ball to me. I warn them all the time that I wont be passing it to anyone else, I wont catch it, and I wont do anything. 

They never listen, then get all pissed because I screwed up. And I'm all like "Hey, I warned you!" I hate it when people take gym way too serisouly. 

Homework: Whats the point? We spent hours learning this stuff already, we dont need to learn it again at home. Believe it or not, people actually have lives outside of school. I dont want to be spending five hours of my life doing work that I already learned previously. 

Skipping Class: It's too easy sometimes. Teachers dont pay attention, so why bother going? In fact, I'm actually writing this in my journal right now for me to post later. What? Dont look at me like that! I just dont like doing presentations. My face gets all red and I start stuttering. It's not a pretty sight. 

Now, I'm sure I could continue on, but my ranting talents really do drain me. Plus, my butt kinda hurts for sitting too long. 

I swear, its numb. 

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