Free as my Hair

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Things are about to get SERIOUS


HA, LOL JK, no. 

But this is an important matter that you people should take seriously. Dont judge, just listen carefully, and let this information sink in. It may save your life one day. 


DUN DUN DUNNNN! I know, the world is going to IMPLODE with the magnitude of this situation. Catching on to my sarcasm yet?

In all seriousness though, I feel the need to rant about this topic. Why? Because some people need to hear the TRUTH. So here's what Ima do, I'll write the topic of hair thingy in bold, then continue with my usual complaining. 

P.S: In case you didnt know, I'm a blunt person. I will be kinda mean without realizing it, so please dont bash me X3


Greasy Hair: This is a major problem. Why wouldnt someone want to wash their hair? I mean, skipping a shower day is no big deal, but when you decide to not wash your hair for like a week, it's just gross. Theres this girl at my school that looks like she goes to McDonalds and washes her hair in the grease. I kinda want to throw some shampoo at her, but thats considered rude in most social situations. 

Bleach Blonds: Being blond isnt bad. I dont judge. Hell, I have purple hair, so why should I say anything about blonds? But theres a fine line between healthy blond hair and looking like you're going bald from all the bleach you use. It's unappealing. 

Girls with Short Hair: We are not all lesbians (dont take that offensively, seriously, my moms even gay and I love her to death)! I swear! Just because a girl has short hair, that doesnt mean they would rather date a girl than a guy. I have short hair, but I have it because my hair gets tangled easily when long and takes a lot of maintinence. It's just easier for me to chop it off. 

Gray Hair: No one with gray hair probably reads on here, but Im gonna talk about it anyways. Nothings wrong with having gray hair. Whatever makes you happy. Gray hair with patches on other colors from previous dye jobs though, I find that frustrating. DYE YOUR ENTIRE HEAD! 

'Emo' hair: Seriously, I love their hair. I wish I had the patience to straiten my hair everyday like other people do, but even though my hair is short, I cant take the time to do it. I didnt know what else to call it, so I went by emo hair. Not being mean, REALLY. But their hair is SO COOL! It's all spikey, but strait at the same time, and the colors are amazing. 

Extensions: If you cant grow out your hair and decide to get extensions, I dont care. Some people want longer hair and it takes too long for them to grow it out themselves. I just hate it when it's OBVIOUS that it's not your real hair. Like wearing it some days, but then taking them out the next. NO. Or when the colors of the extensions dont match your own hair color. IT DRIVES ME NUTS. 

Frizzy hair: I understand that people cant help but have frizzy hair sometimes. Having a huge ass puff ball for hair though doesnt count as frizz. Thats an issue you need to get sorted out, cuz pulling it back doesnt help. Kinda makes it look worse. Straiten that shit or get some good shampoo. 

Hair Spray: People use hair spray to keep their hair together. USING THE ENTIRE CAN ISNT NECASSARY! It only takes a little bit people! Seriously, if I lit a match near some girls hair, it would freaking explode. 

Hair is important to me, so I had to write this. I'm not being superficial, I just like it when hair is healthy and looks good. My hair is important to me. I've been dying it dince seventh grade and I do a lot to keep it healthy. 

PLEASE DONT COMMIT ANY HAIR SINS. I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN, FIX YOUR HAIR, THEN SPEND THE REST OF YOUR LIFE LECTURING YOU... naw, I'm too lazy for that shit. I dont have that kind of dedication. 

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