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ALRIGHT BITCHES, LETS JUST NOT WASTE ANY TIME AND JUST JUMP INTO THIS SHIT! As always, it will follow the format of any other posts for Anthem of the Outcast, if you are not aware of how this goes, its pretty simple: There will be a bolded title for each section, and info will be followed underneath. 




Alright, I know you guys love this one, and I have a decent idea of where I'm going with it. Will there be a happy ending? Yes. Somewhat. I'm not sure, I guess it depends on what you think. I can tell you now though, that you'll be unbelievably pissed the fuck off, but its ends light and happy, I promise. At least to me it does. 

THERE WILL NOT BE A SEQUEL! It will end when it ends, but there will be an epilogue to explain how everything turns out. The end is not even close, so dont worry about it, theres much more to come. Its gonna get really dramatic though, so be prepared.

Another matter is whether or not it should be put as rated R. In the story, there will be multiple times when Cam and Nick are 'having fun'. Will that include a sex scene? I dont know, you tell me. I might just put it in the One Shots I have, but if you would prefer it in the story, tell me in the comments.

I already know what I'm doing for the next chapter, so it should be posted sometime during this week. I plan on editing it heavily as well. 

Coffins and Cheesecake:

Do any of you really read this one? If you dont, I'd love for you to check it out. I'm a little confused as to where I'm going with it though, so the updates will be slow for this, so dont comment telling me to update soon, I'll update when I can. I'm more focused on my other stories. 

If you have any ideas for this story, inbox me, and we can talk about it together. You WILL be given credit for any idea that you share, but keep in mind that this story WILL NOT be written by two people, its all written by me,  even if you do help with ideas. Not to sound rude, but I'm still the author.

But what I really want to know if you'd rather just have me put this on hold until I can come up with a solid storyline. Some people find it irritating when people do slower updates, so if you'd prefer, I can just put it on hold and write chapters, but not post them until I really know what I'm doing. That way, you wont wait long for updates, but it will go back on hold.

Be My Escape:

This story has been getting more popular recently, but I honestly dont know what to do with it anymore. I hate the way its written, there are so many plotholes, and sometimes it just doesnt add up to me. So whether you like it or not, this will be put on hold. I'll try to make sure it wont stay like that long, but it will be on hold until I've edited it until I'm completely happy. 

Like Coffins and Cheesecake, I'd love to hear about any ideas you have. Please dont get upset if I dont want to use your idea, I cant make everyone happy. 

I dont really have anything else to say about this, just that its gonna be put on a hiatus. 

Erotic Desires:

I've gotten a couple requests, and I'm sorry I've taken so long to update anything. But understand that this is mainly for whenever I get stuck on a story, or if I'm getting writers block. I'll update whenever I want, so dont expect me to update the day after you give me requests. 

Secondly, I wont do EVERYONES requests. Not because they're stupid or anything like that, but because sometimes I just cant get into it, or I really dont have an idea. If I cant think of anything, I'll tell you so you're not waiting for me to post it. 

If you DO have a request, DONT POST ON MY OTHER STORIES! Please send me something to my inbox or comment on Erotic desires. Because whenever I want to go back to look at a request, I have to look through the comments on my other stories to find it. Yes, I do mention giving me requests on my other stories, but dont comment on them, comment on Erotic desires. Or just send me a message if you're embaressed or shy. 

Anthem of the Outcast:

Jesus, I havent put anything on this in forever. Mainly because no one really cares about it :P But if you do read this and like it, tell me, and I'll update this occasionally. I have a couple stories I could share. But remember, this isnt about boyxboy or actual stories, they're just small anecdotes or me sharing my opinion.


Also, if you have anything you'd like me to put on here, let me know and I'll probably do it. I was thinking about putting a small story about my first relationship on here, because I personally find it hilarious now that its over. So what do you think about that? Yes? No? Tell me!  

A New Story?:

Currently, I have two ideas that I'm not so sure about. I just have no idea which on to put on, or if I should put one on at all. 

PLEASE tell me if you think I should just write this on the side and not post it until I'm done with another story, or if I should post it now and update it like the other ones. 

Because there are two ideas though, I'd like help deciding on which one to work on first. The first idea I had came from the polls that I had posted on Always. Do you remember them? I like posted topics at the end of each chapter and had people vote in the comments. I said I was going to start working on it, but I never got around to it. The only problem is that I'm not sure how to start it. Like I have the idea and storyline all out, but I feel like theres no way to really put it into a story. Like I dont know how to word it. So I was thinking about making it a short story instead, like a couple chapters and be done with it. Its not complex and its pretty simple, not really any drama. It would be rated R though because its VERY sexual. So should it be full length or just a short story?

The other one is VERY interesting. It would probably remain PG-13 though, with no sex scene unless its posted on Erotic Desires. The story is more thought provoking and complicated than the first one, so it could be made into a VERY long story. BUT it could also be made into something shorter. 

So which one would you like to be a short story? Or should they both be? Or both be full length? I'M NOT SAYING ANYTHING ABOUT THE STORYLINE SO I DONT GIVE ANYTHING AWAY. But it is mentioned somewhere in the polls on Always that the first option is TeacherxStudent. 




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