Chapter 1

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In the middle of the night, a 4 year old boy name Y/N who is a vampire was walking in a creepy forest with no home, nothing. And all he wanted was a family. Then his stomach starts to growl, then he saw some sort of gate. So Y/N looks threw the gate he see's a mansion, then Y/N opens the gate and walks towards the mansion so he could get some warmth, and to see if there's food. Once he's near the door he opens it to go inside the mansion.

Y/N: "Hello?"

He said as he close the door and start walking in the halls. In the living room a female vampire with a black dress, and she was holding a cane a she was sitting in her chair drinking blood then she heard something, and it sounds like an intruder. So she goes to check it out to see who entered her mansion. Y/N was walking in halls as he looks at the place and he was amazed at it. Then he saw a backpack that's laying on a floor, as he take a closer look at it. Then his stomach was starting to growl again, and then the torches light up the hallway.

???: "Get away from if I were you!"

Y/N got startled as he look up to see a female vampire as she jump off the second floor and into the air, and landed in front of the front door so he couldn't escape. Then she walk towards the Y/N to get a better look, which causes him to fall backwards. She got a closer look and surprised to see a kid, and he's a vampire just like her. She was going to ask questions, but the kids stomach started to growl in pain, and she knows what's happening as this shocked her.

???: "Oh no!" 

She carries him, and starts running to the living room and starts sitting on the chair, and grabs the wine cup of blood that she was drinking as she puts the kid on her lap.

???: "Here, drink this. It will help you. Please?"

Y/N doesn't know if he could trust her, but his stomach starts to hurt more so he doesn't have a choice as he drinks it. Once he finishes the whole cup he starts feeling better.

???: "Feel better now?"

Y/N nodded as she's ready to ask the kid some questions.

??? "Now, that's been taken care of. Let me introduce my self. My name is Missi, and I'm the Duchess of this mansion. May I please know your name."

Y/N: "Y/N."

Missi: "Well, Y/N, mind telling me what are you doing here all by yourself?"

Y/N: "I... I was looking for shelter, and food."

Missi: "What? But where are your parents? Should they be looking for you?"

Y/N starts to verge into tears as Missi saw this she realized what's happened to them. She was sadden about this so she comforts him with a hug as Y/N rests his head on her cheat while crying.

Missi: "Sshh. It's ok. I'm hear for you."

She said with a motherly tone as they where hugging for five minutes Y/N starts to calm, and Missi wipes his tears away.

Missi: "I'm so sorry for what happened to your parents."

Missi feels bad for Y/N, she wishes that she could do something. Then she got a idea for which will help Y/N.

Missi: "Hey. What if I could adopt you, and become my son. If it's ok with you?"

Y/N was surprised of what Missi's saying, and he starts to cry tears of joy all because she wants to adopt him as her own child. So Y/N nods as a yes as he hugs her which causes her to smile as she kiss his forehead. Then a black cat with a blind eye came as it jumps on they're laps, and starts snuggling the kid causing Missi to giggle at this.

Missi: "My cat really likes you."

While they're enjoying themselves, Missi saw the suns coming up.

Missi: "Looks like it's time for bed. You must be tired?"

Y/N nodded as his eyes are starting to get tired, so the cat got off his laps as Missi carries him, and walks towards her bedroom. Once they're inside the bedroom she set Y/N down on her bed, and he starts to fall asleep. While he's asleep Missi starts changing into her sleep wear, and starts getting into bed. Once she's in bed she wraps her arms around her new son.

Missi: "Good morning my son."

She said as she kissed his forehead, and starts falling asleep.

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