Chapter 4

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At night, Y/N is laying on his bed in boredom try to figure out what to do.

Y/N: "I'm so bored."

So he decides to walk the hallways to explore the place. As he was exploring, a black cat appeared so Y/N picked the cat up, and hugged it.

Y/N: "Hello, kitty. Do you want to explore with me?" 

He said as the cat nodded as a yes. Then he continues to explore while the black cat follows him, then he saw some pictures on the walls revealed a male vampire wear clothes that are all black, a black cape, and a black top hat, and Y/N wonder who is this guy? 

Later as they keep exploring, Y/N looks down at the first floor to see his mom, theres something off about her. As Y/N is watching, Missi could feel the insanity in her head, then she throws her can away which shocked Y/N to see his Mom is... a human. Missi breathes heavily and looks at her hands shaking, and she felt fear and regret cause of the cane. So she starts leaving the mansion as she picks up her backpack, ties her hair in to a ponytail, and puts her glasses on. 

She starts opening the door to leave but then she realized that she has Y/N, and she doesn't want to abandon him. Then she looks out the window to see a male vampire with a black top hat as she angrily glares at him so she walks towards the cane, grabs it which turns her back into a vampire, and she takes off her backpack and uses the cane as a bat to hit it, takes off her hair band to let her hair fly, and removes her glasses.

As she's done that, she uses the cane to make her body cover in shadow, and she jumps everywhere and lands on the ground with a sinister smile. Then she heard someone knocking on the door she opens it, and looks down to see a piece of paper that's says something about a Dance off as Missi smile sinisterly. She closes the door, turns around and she is surprised that she was not expecting was her son Y/N with a shocked look on his face.

Y/N: "Your... a human?!"

Missi: "Oh, dear."

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