Special Chapter: Four Seasons

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This art was made by Daria Cohen. And this art has got me a idea for this chapter. So hope you enjoy.


It was daytime as Missi was reading a book while the cat was on her head, and she has allergy's as she blows her nose with a tissue. Then she looks out the window and see's Duke singing while under a tree as Missi glares at him. Then Y/N walked towards her to see if she's alright.

Y/N: "Mommy. Are you okay?"

He said worriedly as she looks down at his son.

Missi: "It's ok sweetie, Mommy just have some allergies. But what are you doing up it's past your bedtime."

Y/N: "I can't sleep. I tried but I just can't."

Missi: "How about I sing you a lullaby?"

Y/N: "Okay."

Missi picks up her son as they head towards Y/N's room. Once they're in, she puts him to bed and sings him a lullaby, and he starts to yawn as he's getting sleepy. Once he's asleep, Missi kisses his forehead good night and leaves. The next night, Y/N want to go outside with her mom, but they can't because of her allergies. He feels bad so Y/N has a idea as he takes out some paper, scissors, and glue. Later Y/N walks in the living room to see her mom sitting on the chair as she's blowing her nose. So he walks up to her.

Y/N: "Hi, Mommy."

Missi: "Hi Sweetie, what's that you got there?"

Y/N shows her a flower crown made of paper.

Y/N: "I feel bad that you can't come outside. So I made this just for you."

Missi was surprised that his son gave her a gift as she starts to smile.

Missi: "It looks beautiful, Y/N."

Y/N gives her the gift, and she takes it, and puts it on her head.

Y/N: "Do you like it?"

Missi: "It fit's perfect."

Missi kneels to his level, and hugs her son.


At night, Missi and Y/N were walking at the beach with they're swimsuits on, and the cat was following them as they found the perfect spot to set.

Missi: "Now you go play, while I set the stuff, okay?"

Y/N: "Yes, Mommy."

Missi setting up the stuff as his son was building a sandcastle. Once she's finished she lays on the towel to relax. Then Y/N finished his castle but it collapsed, and he starts to cry. As Missi heard his son crying she goes over and helps fix is castle as she uses her cane to make him a better sandcastle. Y/N stops crying and see's his sandcastle has been upgraded. He smiles and gives his mom a hug as a thanks. Then they start doing some activities at the beach as they are at the water playing ball. Then Missi starts helping her son how to swim as she holds his hands so he doesn't drown.

Missi: "There you go, you got it."

As she was helping Y/N, he started to know how, and she is proud of him.

Missi: "I'm so proud of you, Y/N."

She said as she kissed her son's cheek which causes to giggle.

Missi: "How about we try going underwater?"

She said as he nodded as a yes.

Missi: "Okay. Just hold your breath."

They hold they're breath and dive underwater as they explore the area. As they were exploring, Y/N saw a fish so he decides to swim after. Then shark came out of know where and ate the fish which cause Y/N to get scared. Missi saw this and uses her hypnosis to control the shark and opens its mouth to release the fish, and Missi and Y/N smiled at this.

Then Missi is using the controlled shark to water skiing while Y/N was riding it, and they had a great time. Later they got out of the water and drying themselves with a towel as they are dried, Missi, Y/N, and the cat lays on the sand, and looks at the moon.


Missi look out the window to it was fall as the colored leaves fall from the ground, and she has plans for today as she walks towards her son's bedroom.

Missi: "Hi, Y/N."

Y/N: "Hello, Mommy."

Missi: "Sweetie. I'm here to let you know that today I'm going outside to enjoy fall, and I was wondering if you like to join me?"

Y/N: "Yes."

He said as Missi smiles.

Missi: "Okay, so today we're going to dress, and get our umbrellas."

Missi and Y/N are outside wearing they're fancy outfits while holding they're umbrellas as Missi sets the stuff on the ground.

Missi: "Okay, Y/N. Just stay by me so you don't get burned by the sun."

Y/N: "Okay, Mommy."

Missi and Y/N sat on the blanket the they just put down, and Missi starts reading a book while Y/N plays with his toy, and the cat lays on her lap. For awhile, Missi finished her booked and she sees her son asleep. She smiles and gently rubs his head.


Y/N wakes up from bed and he looked outside to see it's snowing. Y/N smiles at this and runs towards his Mom's bedroom and see's her awake.

Y/N: "Mommy it's snowing!"

He said as Missi smile and hugs her son.

Missi: "I know. We'll go outside after we get ourselves ready."

Y/N: "Ok."

Later as they're done getting ready they went outside with they're winter coats on, and start doing some fun activities. Missi and Y/N are finishing making a snowman, but they're missing something. Then the cat was was holding a hat as Y/N takes it as Missi carries him, and he puts it on the snowman head.

Y/N: "How does it look mommy?"

Missi: "It looks perfect."

Then they start doing some other stuff like making snow angels. As that's done, they're doing a snowball fight as Y/N builds a fort for defense. As they are throw snowballs, Missi is being sneaky so she could surprise Y/N. As she's ready to surprise his son, she jumps behind his fort, and see's his not there. She try to figure out that where his son, then a snowball hits her from the sky, and she sees Y/N in his bat form. 

They smiled as Y/N flys towards her, change back into his normal form, and hugs her which causes them laugh, and falls to the ground. They got up and someone hits her with a snowball and she sees Duke is the one who threw at her, and leaves while singing as that made Missi angry. Then she looks at his son and decides to calm down cause she doesn't want to ruin her time with him.

Missi: "Come on sweetie. Let's get back inside."

Y/N: "Okay."

They went inside as they were in the living room drinking hot chocolate to keep themselves warm while the cat was sleeping on Missi's lap.

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