Chapter 2

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Updating early on this cuz you asked :DDDD there rlly isn't much to say, so I'm just gonna get on with this 👹

Annabeth's point of view

It's been 3 days since we met those strange people in the alleyway. They weren't normal mortals; I was sure of that. But they looked about our age; there wasn't possibly a way they could survive for at least 3 years if they're demigods. But there was something fishy...

After we got back, me and Piper discussed about whether we should find them again and bring them to Camp Half-Blood or not. Those teenagers definitely weren't a normal mortal; but they didn't seem like a demigod either. Hm.

Today, me, Piper, and Jason went to the movies to hang out with the rest of out friends: Percy, Hazel, Frank, and Leo. Most of them were still in their homes, almost at the end of their school terms. Piper got her dad to agree to let her stay at camp for a little longer, and Jason decided to start a new life in New York. Anyway, back to the story.

We met up with our friends and watched a movie, got some good Chipotle for lunch, and just hung out for the afternoon. It was the most fun I had in a while, since we had all the drama about  Gaea. When we were walking back to camp, drinking Frappuccinos, and cracking jokes, we heard a scream.


It was British, and the voice sounded familiar...

Then, I saw them. The same people from yesterday were running for their lives, lights flashing, each of them holding sticks. Trailing behind them, snarling, were all three Furies.

That, of course, got our attention. 

We ran towards them, weapons drawn, and attacked the monsters.

Harry's point of view

What in the world were those creatures?! We were just casually walking back from the movies, when there was a screeching noise. We turned and saw 3 of these dementor-with-wings-and-face things coming at us. Hermione screamed and drew her wand. Me and the others did the same. Wands drawn, we attacked the monster. But each spell we tried, each expecto patronum or impendimenta seemed to not do much harm, just made them even more angry. Out of options, we ran for our lives.


We kept running, flashing spells at the monsters.

How are the muggles not seeing this?!

Then, we ran into a dead end. The monsters were advancing on us, when the one in the middle shrieked.

A shiny bronze point came out on its stomach.

It fell into ashes and disintegrated. The same happened with the other two; and after the golden monster dust cleared the view, I could see the girls we saw three days ago with a whole lot more people. I observed them each carefully. I looked around, and I saw...

"HARRY?!" Neville screamed. He looked at the other guy (who looked a lot like me) and me, back and forth for a second. "WHY ARE THERE TWO HARRYS?!"

"EXPELLIARMUS!" I yelled without thinking, point my wand at my not-so clone.

Nothing happened.

"Uh, what?" He said.

I looked around, my face probably red, around all the people. There was a painful silence between us, and Luna was the first one to speak up.

"Um." She said. "Well, thank you for helping us. And would you please introduce yourselves?"

"Uh, okay. I'm Percy. This is Annabeth, Piper, Leo, Jason, Frank, and Hazel." Said my not-so clone who was named Percy.

"We have to get out of here," said the big buff Chinese dude named Frank.

"Whoa, whoa, time out. What's goin-" Ginny tried to say, but she got interrupted.

"We don't have time for a time out!" Hissed the blonde girl named Annabeth.

"Let's get you to camp first," Percy said. "We can't tell you what's happening at this moment; we'll tell you later."

"Uh... makes me quite uncomfortable but okay..." I said.

We got out of the alleyway and started following them in silence. I don't think they were in a very good mood.

After a couple minutes, we reached a hill with a pine tree perched on it. Something golden glittered on its roots; and holy, a dragon was guarding it! It must've acted like the barriers but for this camp like the enchantments of Hogwarts.

"Can you see the camp below us?" Piper asked.

"Yes, there's a lot of campers this time of year." Luna replied.

"Good. That means you're one of us." Annabeth said. 

One of what? I thought.

We followed them to the sky-blue house, where a centaur was standing on the porch. He was... wait, are those clothes he wore?!

"Hello," the centaur said. "Welcome to Camp Half-Blood."

Okay, so yeah, I updated early! Yay! I was tempted to finished this, so I updated early. Thanks for reading! <3 

-δι Ανγελο

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