Chapter 7

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Percy POV

I woke up drenched in sweat.

The events of my dream last night were very disturbing, and it hurt to see my Wise Girl getting hurt like that. I was feeling a lot of emotions; anger at the cloaked figure who was hurting my girlfriend, confusion on how that girl, Arrow, saw me, curiosity for where Hermione and Ginny were, panicked because I almost got shot by an arrow in my own dream. And it is NOT fun.

I looked out the window and at the sky, where the sun seemed to by rising in the horizon.

"Hmph." I mumbled as I slumped back onto bed, my eyelids drooping.

I was drifting off to sleep when I heard footsteps out in the hallway. I grabbed riptide from under my pillow and and crept to the door.

Neville POV

I really needed to go to the toilet. But I couldn't just wake up everyone! Gran always said that waking everyone in the house at dawn was very annoying.

I tried my best to be quiet as I crept towards the boy's toilets.

Why did my room have to be the farthest from the toilets?! I thought.

As I was passed Percy's room, the blue door, it creaked open behind me.

I froze.

I slowly turned around to see a figure more taller and muscular than me, holding a glowing bronze sword.

And it was pointed at me.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed. I knocked over a vase that was next to me, shattering it on the ground as I tripped over my feet and fell on my bum.

"Woah, dude! Ch-" the figure started, but it was drowned out by my wail.


I tried to crawl away, but then I scratched my finger on a shard of the vase.


"Dude! Chill!" the figure said, surprised.

By this time, the lights had been flicked on, giving me a better visual of the figure. It was...

"Percy? Neville? What happened!" Piper yelped with an alarmed expression.

"I-I was trying to get t-to the b-bathroom!" I stuttered.

"I heard footsteps outside my door! I thought someone broke in or something!" I heard Percy say, bewildered.

Harry sighed. "Neville, I am very sleepy right now, how do you always somehow wake everyone up?"


"It's fine. Neville, do you want a band-aid for your cut hand?" Will asked, in his pajamas with little suns on them.

I looked over to my hand, which was bleeding a bit.


Will handed me a little pink band-aid with dancing princesses on them, and I stuck it on my bleeding palm.

"Um... so... I'm just gonna go to the toilet, like I originally came out to do." I said awkwardly.

"Yeah. And Neville?" Luna said as I turned. I looked back. "Don't knock over another vase."

I grinned nervously and gave a thumbs-up as I went to do my private business.

Nico POV

I regret getting out of my bed to see what all the fuss was about outside  my room.

It turns out Neville wanted to go to the bathroom, but then he made a bunch of noise, so that got Percy up with Riptide, thinking it was an intruder, then Neville freaked out and he screamed and knocked over a vase, cut his finger, and had the attention of a whole ship.

I'm just gonna go back to bed now.

Sorry for the crappy chapter ummm I just wanted some drama in there >:D

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2022 ⏰

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