Chapter 4

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Sorry for late update! I was really lazy to write in the morning lol- 

Percy's point of view

The best of the best                                 

Shall go confront the spirit of the west.

One shall fall, the other shall rise.

The broken shall face the wrath of the wise.

A promise to keep with his final stand,

The darkness of the pit must end.

Then the smoke stopped and Rachel closed her eyes as she fell back. Thankfully, Clarisse and Chris caught her and set her to lie down on the log bench.

There was a moment of silence between the crowd, all of them staring wide-eyed. Chiron was the first to speak up.

"Well... that was certainly unexpected."

There was a round of mumbling and agreeing from the crowd, and then they all turned to look at me and the other 6.

"Well, you guys are going, obviously." Said Miranda Gardner. 

I let out an exasperated sigh. "Yeah... oh well."

"And I think our newcomers should go too. They're obviously different, and probably came here for a reason. Plus, from what they told us, they're from the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." Said Chiron. "Obviously the Fates sent them here for a reason."

"Nico should go too," said Connor Stoll. "He'll be a lot of help. He can summon SHADOWS and stuff!"

There was another round of mumbling and agreeing.

"So that's settled. We shall discuss how and where we are going later on. But for now, you must go to your cabins and go to sleep. Our newcomers can have some bunks in the Hermes cabin. It's not that crowded anymore."

So, at that final notice, we all went to our cabins to go to sleep. It was going to be a long day tomorrow.

-next day-

The next day was a rush; probably because it was more chaotic than I thought. Overnight, some campers disappeared. 

And not just any campers. 

Ginny, Hermione, and Annabeth HAD to be the people who disappeared. 

Harry and his friends say that Hermione was really important, and Ginny was pretty needed for the quest too.

As for me, I was super worried about Annabeth; I mean, if your girlfriend disappears in the middle of the night without a word, wouldn't you be panicking?! 

I searched the grounds and even covered some of the forest; but no sign of her or any of the other people. 

Some of my friends helped me search, but... even with our combined attempts, we couldn't find her.

I was starting to lose hope; and I was getting more and more worried for Annabeth every hour.

Oh, Annabeth... where could you be?!

-2 months later-

It's been two months since the girls disappeared. We've all been searching restlessly; only taking a few hours to sleep. 

Leo's been working on our ship, the Dreamcatcher. He was able to make it quicker than he had with the Argo II; but he had Calypso's help designing it. It's gigantic, with a mini-mess hall, a sickbay,  a dozen bathrooms, and 14 vacant cabins. Calypso decorated it; a lot. She painted it white with blue and pink swirls on it, and hung customized enchanted dreamcatchers in each cabin above the bed, where it makes the bad dreams less... er, let's say bad. 

But the thing was, I was kind of getting tired of just searching hopelessly... so I came up with a plan(not really) to rescue Annabeth, Hermione, and Ginny.

It was after campfire, just past curfew. I packed up some nectar and ambrosia, extra clothes, and some coke and food. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and was sneaking to get out, but apparently, I met someone.

Apparently, Harry had the same idea.

Sorry this chapter's really short; I'm really sleepy and trying not to doze off. Thanks for reading!! Good day/night.


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